Hi All,

I cant seem to find the right way to check for the HitArea div class.
I'm using a nice piece of code found here as follows:  I need to be
able to know when the class name changes between "hitarea expandable-
hitarea" and
"hitarea collapsable-hitarea" .. All I can get to work is the
"hitarea*" and this doesn't cut it..Any assistance would be greately
appreciated as I'm realtively new at JQuery. NOTE: I also tried
catching just the LI tags collapseable and expandable but to no

$(document).ready(function(e) {
                jQuery.delegate = function(rules) {
                    return function(e) {
                        var target = $(e.target);
                        for (var selector in rules)
                            if (target.is(selector)) return rules
[selector].apply(this, $.makeArray(arguments));

                    '.hitarea*': function(e) {

                    '.folder': function(e) {

SNIP of markup

<li id="" class="expandable">
  <div class="hitarea expandable-hitarea"/>
     <span class="folder">HR Management</span>
        <ul style="display: none;">
           <li id="" class="last">
             <span class="file">
                <input id="1" class="checkclass" type="checkbox"
                 Attendance Management.zip

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