I'm trying to craft a simple Ajax-based Cluetip using a $.get that
passes along a singe key/value pair and brings back some simple HTML.
I keep getting javascript syntax errors.

Here's what I want to accomplish:


Using the jQuery $.get sample found here:


I put this together:

ajaxSettings: {   $.get("prodtips.php", { p: "mbt35" } )    }

When I drop the above on the end of this useless but well-formed (no
javascript errors) cluetip code:

$('a.tt2').cluetip({   width: '360px', ajaxCache: true, arrows: true,
sticky: true, closePosition: 'title'   });

resulting in this:

$('a.tt2').cluetip({   width: '360px', ajaxCache: true, arrows: true,
sticky: true, closePosition: 'title', ajaxSettings: {   $.get
("prodtips.php", { p: "mbt35" } )    }    });

I get the following javascript error:

missing : after property id

and for the life of me I can't see what I'm doing wrong. Can someone
show me the correct syntax for this simple goal.


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