I'm having some trouble figuring out why this isn't working:

        $.get(i, function(data){
                var trimmedToList = $(data.slice(data.indexOf('\<div
id="media">'),data.indexOf('\<div class="description">'))).html();

It's supposed to retrieve the page of each link in the "links" array,
then parse it using slice() to return only the bit of the page I want,
then append the new content to the '#media' div.

I checked it in firebug and the variable "trimmedToList" is showing as
undefined. The strange thing is, if I type the code in manually into
firebug one function at a time, it works.

I thought this could be a timing issue, so I tried putting in the
"opacity pause" trick:

        $.get(i, function(data){
                $('body').animate({opacity: 1.0}, 9000)
                var trimmedToList = $(data.slice(data.indexOf('\<div
id="media">'),data.indexOf('\<div class="description">'))).html();

but it still didn't seem to work. I just can't figure out why "$
(data.slice(data.indexOf('\<div id="media">'),data.indexOf('\<div
class="description">'))).html();" isn't being assigned to the
"trimmedToList" variable. :(

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