I think if somebody edit one person , u can make the page can't click again
,and show a message :"waiting..."

2009/6/15 Jennifer Roberts <jenmorrowrobe...@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone!
> What I'd like to build is a page which displays a list of people.
> Next to each person is an edit button.  Clicking the edit button will
> replace the person's information with an edit form where the user can
> change information about the person.  The edit form has a save and
> cancel button.  There is also a button at the top of the list which
> will pop up a new person form.
> I'm designing an approach for tackling this problem:
> 1)  I'm thinking of having two divs for each person, one for show, one
> for edit.  This way the edit button will just hide the "show div" and
> show the "edit div".
> 2)  Clicking the Save button will post the form info to the server in
> an AJAX call.  The server will return a string in the following
> format: "[result];[html]", where [result] is either a 1 or 0,
> depending on whether the edit was successful or not, and the [html] is
> either a replacement show and edit div or a string with the error
> message of the failure.
> 3)  Clicking Cancel will hide the "edit div" and and show the "show
> div".
> Here are my questions:
> 1)  How can I remember the original values of the edit box if the user
> hits cancel.  I'd rather not hit the server again as this will cause
> lag.
> 2)  If the user is editing one person and then hits edit on a
> different person, I'd like to cancel the original edit.  What is a
> good way to do this?
> 3)  Are there any patterns or pre-built libraries to do this?
> Thanks!

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