Maybe it's just a typo, but you're creating a div with the ID

 ...prepend("<div class='toolbar_button'

and then calling it with a class selector:


is that right?

On Feb 7, 5:38 pm, James S <> wrote:
> Dear jQuery,
>  Can find plenty of discussion on the use of livequery but little on
> binding problems which are less dynamic. If you could point out a nice
> simple thing I'm overlooking then that would be great :)
> Background:
> As part of a UI I'm coding I serve a series of working panes. Content
> is ajaxed into the pane and then livequeries pick out class flags from
> the loaded content. One such flag is "toolbar_button" class which
> signals to lift the element out and make it into a button on the
> toolbar. Post relocation, toolbar html's something like:
> ==================\/
> <div class="toolbar">
> <div class="toolbar_button">Save</div>
> <div class="toolbar_button" >Cancel</div>
> <div class="kill"></div>
> </div>
> ==================/\
> Along with the "toolbar_button" class flag, a second flag can be used
> which clones the function of the button to a new button on the toolbar
> (for stuff that has to be in place in the html to function - in this
> case form buttons). These two types of toolbar button creation are
> dealt with by the following jQuery:
> ==================\/
> $(".toolbar_button").livequery(function(){
>                 p=parent_pane($(this)); // Finds the parent pane of the 
> button so it
> can be added to the correct toolbar
>                 if($(this).hasClass('copy_me')){    // If the page element 
> needs to
> stay in position, copy it to toolbar
>                         p.children('.toolbar').prepend("<div 
> class='toolbar_button'
> id='toolbar_button_target'>"+$(this).val()+"</div>");
> $(".toolbar_button_target").css('color','red').click(function(e){
>                                 alert('This code is never run!');
>                         }).removeClass('toolbar_button_target');
>                 }else{ // Move it to the toolbar
>                         p.children('.toolbar').prepend($(this).remove());
>                 }
> });
> ==================/\
> Buttons without the "copy_me" class are successfully transposed and
> function as they should. However, when adding a copy of a "copy_me"
> button the resulting object can be selected (the css() rule in the
> code above turns it red) but doesn't respond to event binding. Click()
> function as above doesn't work, nor other events.
> I can't find any complication with event bubbling, nothing is stopping
> the propagation.
> I would be much obliged if someone with a greater insight could point
> me right on this one.
> Thanks,
>   James

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