just a thought, but for SEO you'd better to do this server-side...


Glen Lipka wrote:
Start with the Search Highlight plugin.
http://www.jquery.info/spip.php?article50 <http://www.jquery.info/spip.php?article50>

Option 1. Change the way the plugin works to add A links instead of spans.
See the line in the code that says:
var repl = $.merge([],$("<span>"+newtext+"</span>")[0].childNodes);
Change that to use <a href="">...

Option 2. Use the livejQuery plugin after the searchHighlight works.

This allows you to listen for span class="hilite" and add a "click" function to them.
    .livequery('click', function(event) {
        var theGuysName = $("this").text();
        return false;

Completely untested.  Does it get you going?


On 9/14/07, *Dan* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi there,

    I'm a relative jQuery newcomer, and I've googled high and low but
    can't seem to find an answer to my problem.

    I've got a page of concerts for this conductor I'm working on, it
    generates the page contents from a mysql database.

    There are certain composers which are particularly important and have
    their own dedicated pages elsewhere on the site.

    What I would like to do is scan through the page for mentions of each
    composer and then turn these instances into links to each composer's

    Is this possible or is there a plugin that might do what I want? I'm
    going insane here.

    Thanks in advance,

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