SumanShakya wrote:
> hi all,
> i have a problem.
> I need to fetch page content via "get". After data is fetched, i need
> to perform 2-3 manipulation on data before showing the actual content.
> Each manipulation modifies the page content. I am using the code shown
> below
> $.get(url,function(data) {
>   $('#container').html(data);
>   //manipulation code
>   //manipulation code
>   //manipulation code
> });
> The problem is after each manipulation, modified data shows up in the
> container and then the final content appears at last. This makes the
> page appear flickering. I need to show only the final content.
> How can i achieve this??
> Thanks for help in advance
> Suman Shakya
do it the other way round. Manipulate data then do the 

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