Resolved through this code

        return false;

On Apr 1, 3:50 pm, Nabeel Faruqui <> wrote:
> I have the followin code in my html
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         jQuery(function() {
>                  jQuery('#slickbox').hide('fast');
>             jQuery('#slick-toggle').click(function() {
>         jQuery('#slickbox').toggle('blind',350);
>         return false;
>       });
>         });
>         </script>
> The problem is that when the page is refreshed due to an AJAX postback
> the function is called again. This is allright. But the main problem
> is that when I click the slick-toggle link, it is fired as many times
> the page has been refreshed due to AJAX. i.e. if we have 5 ajax
> postback, the slickbox.toggle function will be fired for 5 times and
> so on. I dont know the solution of it.
> Thanks

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