What does the responseText look like?

On Jan 18, 7:58 pm, Bruce MacKay <br...@thomasbaine.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The following function works fine in jQ1.3, but not in jQ1.4....
> function getArchive(pID){
>      $.get("scripts/ajax_editor.asp?id=getArc&epID="+pID+"&q=" + new
> Date().getTime(),
>      function(responseText){
>          //console.log(responseText);
>          $('#archive').html(responseText).show();
>      });
>      $('#archiveOn').hide();$('#archiveOff').show(5);
> };
> In both instances, the "responseText" is returned, but whereas it is
> injected into the div 'archive' and displayed when using jQ1.3, nothing
> happens when 1.4 is used.
> Any idea of where I should be looking for a solution?
> Thanks, Bruce

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