I continued this thread in a new thread:


On 9 Apr, 04:31, Lwangaman <donjohn.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok now that that has been straightened out, here's my full endeavour:
> I'm trying to translate into jquery a useful functionality that I
> found in the X-library (http://cross-browser.com/),
> and that is multiple checkbox selection by click and drag over them.
> (seehttp://cross-browser.com/x/examples/clickndrag_checkboxes.php).
> His code is:
> /* Defines Click-n-Drag Checkboxes functions*/
> var gCheckedValue = null;
> function initCheckBoxes(sTblId){
>   xTableIterate(sTblId,
>     function(td, isRow) {
>       if (!isRow) {
>         if (td.className=='mychkbox'){
>         var cb = td.getElementsByTagName('input');
>         if (cb && cb[0].type.toLowerCase() == 'checkbox') {
>           td.checkBoxObj = cb[0];
>           td.onmousedown = tdOnMouseDown;
>           td.onmouseover = tdOnMouseOver;
>           td.onclick = tdOnClick;
>         }
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   );
> }
> function tdOnMouseDown(ev){
>   if (!mymail.checkedall.checked){
>   if (this.checkBoxObj) {
>     gCheckedValue = this.checkBoxObj.checked = !
> this.checkBoxObj.checked;
>     document.onmouseup = docOnMouseUp;
>     document.onselectstart = docOnSelectStart; // for IE
>     xPreventDefault(ev); // cancel text selection
>     }
>   }
> }
> function tdOnMouseOver(ev){
>   if (gCheckedValue != null && this.checkBoxObj) {
>     this.checkBoxObj.checked = gCheckedValue;
>   }
> }
> function docOnMouseUp(){
>   document.onmouseup = null;
>   document.onselectstart = null;
>   gCheckedValue = null;
> }
> function tdOnClick()
> {
>   // Cancel a click on the checkbox itself. Let it bubble up to the TD
>   return false;
> }
> function docOnSelectStart(ev)
> {
>   return false; // cancel text selection
> }
> /* End of Click-n-Drag Checkboxes functions*/
> I tried to translate it into jquery like this:
> $("td.mychkbox").each(
>   function(){
>     $(this).bind(
>       "mousedown",
>       function(){
>         if (allchecked.attr("checked")==false){
>           var eccomi = this;
>           var eccoti = $(eccomi).find("input:checkbox");
>           var eccoci = $(eccoti).attr("checked");
>           gCheckedValue = eccoci = !eccoci;
>           $(document).mouseup = function(){
>             $(document).mouseup = null;
>             $(document).selectstart = null;
>             gCheckedValue = null;}
>           $(document).selectstart = function(){return false;} // for
> IE
>         }
>       });
>     });
> $("td.mychkbox").each(
>   function(){
>     $(this).bind(
>       "mouseover",
>       function(){
>         if (gCheckedValue != null){
>           var eccomi = this;
>           var eccoti = $(eccomi).find("input:checkbox");
>           $(eccoti).attr("checked") = gCheckedValue;
>         }
>       });
>     });
> $("td.mychkbox").each(
>   function(){
>     $(this).bind(
>       "click",
>       function(){
>         return false;
>       });
>     });
> Doesn't quite work right though. Clicking on the checkboxes has no
> result, dragging over them has no result, it's as though all events
> have been canceled. Anyone have any ideas?
> On 9 Apr, 03:55, Lwangaman <donjohn.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks a lot! That got me going again!
> > (eccomi was supposed to be itsme, eccoti was supposed to be itsyou, I
> > overlooked that transliteration that I was doing from italian!)
> > On 9 Apr, 03:48, Shawn <sgro...@open2space.com> wrote:
> > > Lwangaman wrote:
> > > >           alert(itsme.name);
> > > > // gives "undefined"
> > > because a tablecell usually doesn't have a "name" attribute associated
> > > with it.  Remember that your "itsme" variable is a reference to a DOM
> > > element (not a jQuery element).  Which explains
> > > >           var itsyou = itsme.attr("name");
> > > >           alert(itsyou);
> > > > // gives no results, it actually stops everything from working.
> > > You would need itsyou = $(itsme).attr("name");  But even then, if
> > > "itsme" is a tablecell, the name attribute likely doesn't exist.  Maybe
> > > try "id" instead?
> > > >           var itsyou = eccomi.find("input:checkbox");
> > > >           alert(eccoti);
> > > > // gives no results, it actually stops everything from working
> > > if eccomi is a DOM element, then this would stop and likely throw an
> > > error ('find' not a property or object)...  Try it as
> > >   $(eccomi).find("input:checkbox");
> > > The core issue that I can see is understanding the difference between a
> > > DOM object/element and a jQuery object.  They are not the same, though
> > > they are often used in a very similar manner.
> > > HTH.
> > > Shawn

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