Are you looking to select them programmatically or with the mouse? You may
want to have a look at jQuery UI Selectable for the latter:



though I'm not sure if anyone's tried to use this in concert with the
sortable plugin (though it would be really rockin).

Note: if you have any further questions about jQuery UI plugins[*], there's
a dedicated list for those:

- Richard


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:02 PM, <> wrote:

>  I have two sortable lists connected to each other using:
> $("#listOne").sortable({
>    connectWith: ["#listTwo"]
> });
> $("#listTwo").sortable({
>    connectWith: ["#listOne"]
> });
> What I am looking for is a way to select ALL items in the first list and
> magically move them all into the second list. Essentially a "select all"
> function.
> Can anybody help me?
> Sonia

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