To call web service in jqGrid you should implement datatype as
To have idea haw can be done, go into the demonstartion page and look
New in version 3.3 -> Data type as function.
Hope this helps

Best Regards

On Dec 19, 8:35 pm, FrenchiINLA <mamali.sohe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there anyone who could work withjqGridand web services in a
> asp.net project? I really try hard to just be able to call the method
> in my web service for no avail. I have the following in my html file:
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>         $(function() {
>             $('#list').jqGrid({
>                 url: 'Services/Bill.asmx/Get_Client_jqGrid'
>                  , datatype: 'xmlstring'
>                 , colNames: ['Name']
>                 , colModel:
>                 [
>                             { name: 'CltName', index: 'CltName', width: 55 }
>                     ]
>                 , caption: "Client"
>             }); //jqGrid
>         });      // ready
>     </script>
>     <div>
>         <table id="list" class="scroll">
>         </table>
>     </div>
> And I made a web service with the following signature:
>     [WebMethod]
>     public string  Get_Client_jqGrid()
>     {
>                 // just some code to test the 
> HttpContext.Current.Request.Params[]}
> I put a breakpoint in the web service but it’s never been called. I
> get jut the header with Loading message. any help would be really
> appreciated. I tried a grid with local data, and the edit return
> perfectly to another WebMethod of the web service.

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