works fine for me with 1.2.6 and 1.3.1

also works here as expected - using 1.2.6 works as expected

Perhaps theres a gremlin in you code somewhere - do you have a link to see
the issue?

2009/1/26 chris robinson <>

> Hey all,
> Our project is using 1.2.6, but we seem to have an issue with calling:
> $('#some-textbox-id').focus();
> The element focuses properly, but it seems like the next time you
> press the tab key the focus completely disappears and you have to hit
> it several times to get it back into the flow of the document rather
> then going to the next focusable element in the DOM.
> Is this a bug or am I missing something?  If you click back onto the
> document and focus on something it will resume the natural behavior.
> thanks,
> -Chris

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