huh, only one minor thing... wicked things happen to the error
messages. I specify a message for my input in the validate() call:

        messages: {
                UserName: {
                        required: " ",
                        remote: 'User name already exists or invalid'

so, in case the input value is invalid, my custom message is correctly
displayed, but only on blur. On submit, when I click the submit
button, the default message ("Please fix this field") is displayed.
How can this be fixed?

On Apr 17, 6:02 pm, snobo <> wrote:
> Thanx a ton for the ultra-quick reply & help! Worked like a charm, I
> did it like this:
>         rules.UserName = {
>                 xRemote: {
>                         condition: function(element) { element.value = $.trim
> (element.value); return element.defaultValue != element.value; },
>                         url: 'myurl.php',
>                         data: { action: 'check_user_name' }
>                 }
>         }
>         $.validator.addMethod("xRemote", function(value, element) {
>                 var rule = this.settings.rules[].xRemote;
>                 if (rule.condition && $.isFunction(rule.condition) && !
>,element)) return "dependency-mismatch";
>                 return $.validator.methods.remote.apply(this, arguments);
>         }, $.validator.messages.remote);
> is this the correct way to reference the current rule?
> On Apr 17, 5:13 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <>
> wrote:
> > Ok, that makes it a bit more difficult. For a workaround, try
> > something like this:
> > $.validator.addMethod("customRemote", function(value, element) {
> >   if (!remoteRequired(element) {
> >     return "dependency-mismatch";
> >   }
> >   return $.validator.methods.remote.apply(this, arguments);
> > }, $.validator.messages.remote);
> > The idea is to write a custom method that does the dependency-check.
> > If it isn't necessary, return a special string to have the plugin skip
> > the method. Otherwise, delegate to the default remote method to
> > perform its task.
> > Let me know if that works for you, might be worthwhile adding to the
> > docs (until depends/remote is fixed).
> > Jörn
> > On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:34 PM, snobo <> wrote:
> > > well, I don't see how required can help me... what I want is to make a
> > > remote call/check ONLY under certain circumstances. Plus, this field
> > > is "constantly"-required already anyway...
> > > actually, now I think there might be various workarounds, e.g.
> > > creating a custom method, which would check the condition first and
> > > then making an AJAX call manually only if needed...
> > > On Apr 17, 4:16 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <>
> > > wrote:
> > >> This is indeed a bug, in this case something never tested for.
> > >> Is using required: function() {} together with remote an option?
> > >> Jörn
> > >> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:03 PM, snobo <> wrote:
> > >> > I've been trying to use remote method coupled with depends, like this:
> > >> > remote: {
> > >> >        depends: function(element) { element.value = 
> > >> > $.trim(element.value);
> > >> > return element.defaultValue != element.value; },
> > >> >        url: 'my.php',
> > >> >        type: 'post',
> > >> >        data: { action: 'check_user_name' }
> > >> > }
> > >> > and this doesn't work, because the whole remote parameter array gets
> > >> > overwritten with the result of evaluating my 'depends' function (so
> > >> > instead of array it becomes a scalar, true or false). Therefore in
> > >> > case of false the AJAX call doesn't happen, and in case of true an
> > >> > error occurs (because there's no url, no type, and no data anymore).
> > >> > I assume remote and depends are incompatible, is it correct? If yes,
> > >> > is there a workaround for this?
> > >> > TIA
> > >> > cheers

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