I gave up and made an animated image [shrugs].

On Feb 4, 11:17 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Me again :/
> OK, I accessibly replaced my h1 with this clunky snip:
>        $('h1').append('<img src=\"/images/headertext.gif\" alt=\"alt
> text\" title=\"title text\" longdesc=\"http://something.com/
> fullinfo.html" />');
> There's a visible lag pre-loading on this machine (220kb connection)
> so I'd appreciate advice ....
> Now I want an alternative image to fade in & fade out again,
> simulating a 'glow' effect. I only want this to happen once.
> Is there a way to achieve it without putting a hidden div on top of
> the headline? I want to avoid that, if possible, because it will wreck
> my accessibility standards.
> Sorry if this should have been obvious: I've just been reading up on
> liveQuery and loQuery and am about to check my brain into a repair
> shop!!
> Cherry.

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