Hello everyone, this is something I'm trying to sort out, that might
not be a very common issue:

I need to find a way to scroll multiple elements with one external
scroll bar.

The elements in question is for now tbody elements with assigned ID's,
they are lined up horizontally and have the same height.

My idea is to create a table with 3 cells in each row. 2 of these will
contain the tables with tbodies that are to be scrolled, and the third
will contain the scrolling function.(the issues with IE for fixed
table header is already solved)

Now, I need the function in the third cell to scroll the tbody
elements of the 2 tables in cell 1 and 2, and since it is tbody
elements, there can be no wrapper div append-type of function, just
something that produces a scrollbar in cell 3, that actually scrolls
the tbodies in cell 1 and 2.

I use a lot of jquery all over the project, and I believe it can be
done, I just lack the knowledge to do it. Anybody got any idea on how
to go about this I'll be very happy.

Regards, Torgil - kabelkultur.se

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