I'm working on a table that has nested tables.  My problem is that I 
need to retrieve all the rows for the main table, but ignore the nested 
tables.  I know I can do something like this:

$("#mytable > tbody > tr");

But my table reference is passed into my function(s) as a parameter.  So 
can I do something like this then?

$("tbody > tr", tblRef);

If I'm understanding correctly that would give me all the TRs within the 
context of my tblRef element.  But wouldn't that also include the nested 
tables?  Or maybe this

$("tbody:first > tr", tblRef);


I know as a fallback I can do 
$(tblRef).children("tbody").children("tr");  But that seems inefficient 
to me...

Any tips on doing this?  Thanks in advance.


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