Hi all,

I'm trying to find a reference here and having troubles. Would really
appreciate if someone can point me to a tutorial.

Basically, I have a list of anchored links that point to content with
matching ID's on the same page. With Javascript on, I want to hide all
except the first when you come into the page, then when people click
on a link it would show the matching ID.

I guess the JQuery would grab the anchored links and put them in an
array when the page loads? Maybe it doesn't need to be that complex.
Any help would be great.

An example of the code:

<!--anchored links-->
        <ul id="anchoredLinks">
                <li><a href="#architects">Architects</a></li>
                <li><a href="#designers"><strong>Designers</strong></a></li>    
<!--content to show and hide-->
        <div id="architects">
                blah, blah, blah                                                
        <div id="designers">
                blah, blah, blah                                                

Thanks for any help.

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