i am making a website i which the page is divided into two vertical
parts. the left part is a div .

<DIV id="container" witdh="100%">
<DIV id="leftnav" float="left" width="30%">
<div id="1" height="20px" weight="20px" ></div>
<div id="2" height="20px" weight="20px" ></div>
<div id="3" height="20px" weight="20px" ></div>

I have some more div in the leftnav. now i want to drag and drop the
DIVs(eg 1,2,3) on the leftnav onto  the container div. for which i
made the div(icon1,icon2,icon3) draggable and helper:'clone'.

Now after that i made the  container div droppable. and wrote a drop
function on which a clone is created and appended to the container
div. Now the problem i am facing is  everytime i drag the div which
has been previousl dropped from the leftnav div. and drop it onto
container again. a duplicate clone is created. I want to stop this
extra duplicte copies. What should i do?

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