
I'm using superfish for a drop down hover menu. It works perfect
except I would like the sub menus to remain visible when one of the
<a> tag from the menu has class="active".

Here is a quick overview of the menu html:
<ul class="primary-links">
     <a href="main">item parent 1</a>
        <li><a href="page2">item child</a></li>

If the current page is main -- class='active' is automatically added
to the A tag (with Drupal). If you are currently in page2, the
class='active' is added to the A tag of the sub-menu.

Now, how can I get the sub menu to be always displayed -- regardless
of superfish, either when item parent 1 A tag is set as class='active'
of the item child A tag is set as class='active'.

If you can direct me toward what I'd need to achieve this, it would be

Thanks so much for your help!

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