I have experimented in a variety of ways, and when I use the opacity
CSS attribute, it kills the next level of the menu in IE6, FF as
always no prob.

Thus, when I had the CSS opacity code to <ul>, <li> does not appear.
If I add it to <ul><li>, then the second level (<ul><li> <li>) does
not appear. The menu's next level does not slide down, or out...

E.g. I am adding:

.sf-menu li li {
        filter: alpha(opacity=80);

to the Custom CSS field in the Joomla mod_superfishmenu module.
I am using jQuery 1.2.6 and loading all SuperFish JS after mootools.js
I have also tried add it directly to superfish.css.

Any ideas or confirmation this problem exists for others out there??

I would love to add the animation, but can't get beyond opacity.
Thx! Great script!

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