I just want to say, thank you John. I have been developing sites with
jQuery for the better part of a year and it has just made the amount
of work I can get done sky rocket. Now, however, I just started a new
job this week and they are using YUI.

I have been patient and have spent the better part of 5 days trying to
do the most basic things the YUI-way and I'm falling flat on my damned
face. I have actually resorted to writing code using basic DOM api
functions simply because YUI is so frakking hard to use. Their
documentation is all over the map. They have multiple sub-libraries to
do the most basic thing like DOM selections and manipulation. Should I
be using YAHOO.util.Selector, or YAHOO.util.Dom.get, or
YAHOO.util.Element.getByElementId( or TagNames, or ClassNames).

oh, the joy of $('#my id, .someclass, div>p)

I think people that insist on their work being hard must be aliens.
That's about the only explanation that I can come up with.

Good god, are there any ex-YUI people that found the goodness of
jQuery that can point me at a coherent tutorial for this pile of crap
called YUI?

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