
I am trying to get transparent png background to run on the drop-dowm menus of superfish.

I tried unsuccessfully to the 2 related jquery plugins : pngfix and ifixpng.

Both are resulting in the following error : 'filter.match' is nul or not an object

Those scripts are AFAIK hiding the css background and replacing it by the same imaged
tranformed through microsoft's sprecial chemistery.
I am pretty sure that it conflicts with the way jquery is doing animations, but I do not really
understand the jquery code so far, to be sure of what is beieng done there.

In superfish there is this piece of code :

showSuperfishUl : function(){
        return this

If I replace it by:
showSuperfishUl : function(){
        return this

It kinda work. There is then no animations of course,
and the background positionning is forced to top left.

By modifing the code like that :

showSuperfishUl : function(){
        return this

I got it running "once". It will animate one dropdown with transparency, but at the end it produces an error that I have not be able to track down successfully in jquery.
Also I found a related ticket: http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1627

I'm not sure where to go. Is this fixable at all ? Have I to wait for a new jquery release ?


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