I am trying to write a code for window.open in jQuery. here is my

OpenNewWindow = function(strURL, winName, options) {
        this._settings = $.extend({
                toolbar: no,
                location: no,
                directories: no,
                status: no,
                menubar: no,
                scrollbars: no,
                resizable: yes,
                width: 100,
                height: 100
        }, options || {});

I am now stuck at the below line. Whether I shouyld write as:

window.open(strURL, winName, this._settings);

or have I to include all the options for this. I also know that jQwery
UI's dialog s another alternative for it, but then I need to change my
current aspx page for it to get the values back from the dialog. Can
ayone guide me as to what can be my OpenNewWindow code look like. Any
more ideas for window.open would e highly appreciated.

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