I know this is kinda weird, and I can't seem to find where the issue

i've been working on a tag cloud for my site hearwhere.com and
everything works from FF/IE, but safari and chrome won't let me pass a
multi-word variable into my query.

You can test it out at http://zifimusic.com/v3

The single word genres from the tag cloud work no problem, but the
multi-words (like 'folk rock') always return 0 results in Safari/
Chrome but return a number of results in FF/IE.

I've output the query and copied it from source, and it runs fine, so
I don't understand how Chrome & Safari could be causing this issue,
but everything seems to be going in correctly.

I've left an 'alert' on the passed genre so I can see what is being
passed, and it all looks good to me.

ANY ideas on this?
Super strange (i think).

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