Hello all, I'm running this plug in http://www.phpletter.com/Our-Projects/AjaxFileUpload/ and I need to send along additional post data can anyone help ?
here is my current code [code] var obj = {}; obj.id = id; obj.func = file_uploaded; obj.type = "file"; obj.pdata ={} if (loc == "bigart") { obj.pdata.random='bigart'; obj.pdata.func='upload_bigart'; } else { obj.pdata.random=random; obj.pdata.func='upload_image'; } $.ajaxFileUpload({ url:prefix, secureuri: false, fileElementId: 'fileToUpload' + obj.id, data: obj.pdata, dataType: 'json', error: function(data) { if (data.status == 302) { top.location.href = data.getResponseHeader ('Location'); } else { display_messages({ messages: { error: "invalid json response please try again file error:" + data.error } }); } }, success: function(data) { display_messages(data.messages); if (data.messages && data.messages.error !== undefined) { $("#form" + argObject.id).remove(); add_form_field(); } else { obj.func(data, obj.id); } } }); [/code] thanks Mean Mike