I'd like to accomplish a couple of things with BlockUI. I suspect
these can be done by changing styles and other settings but I haven't
been able to achieve the desired affect.

1. I want the mask to be transparent. IOW, the user should not be
aware of the overlay, but also shouldn't be able to interact with the
page during blocking. In some cases my blocking is very short. Some
users have commented "What was that?"

What background color and opacity settings would I need to achieve

2. I'd like to position the blocking message so that it always appears
in the upper right hand corner of the viewport. I also would like the
message to not have any borders and would like for the message to be
preceded by a spinning gif. Example text would be "Reloading...",
"Saving...", "Updating..."

Has anyone done anything close to this, do you have a style example?

Is it best to

$.blockUI.defaults.css = {};

and use my own style sheet?


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