[jQuery] Cycle plugin issue in Safari Chrome

2009-10-21 Thread poundcommapo...@gmail.com

Hi. I have two Cycle slideshows on this page. The first shows exactly
as expected. The second drops the bottom of the background image when
the slides change. This happens in Webkit browsers (or at least Safari
and Chrome) only. Any ideas why/


[jQuery] cycle plugin issue

2009-06-01 Thread alienfactory

ok i cant get the easing plugin to work with cycle plugin

1. does cycle 2.65 work with easing 1.3

2. does easing work on the scrollHorz

3. if both of these are true then what am i doing wrong

fx: 'scrollHorz',
timeout:  0,
easingIn: 'easeOutCubic',
 easingOut   : 'easeInBack'

[jQuery] Cycle plugin Issue in Safari and Chrome browser

2009-03-23 Thread thursday0384

i'm working on this site


and cycle works fine in everything except safari.

safari doesn't recognize my cycle div's height (on this page the div
is .photo)

the same thing happens on the home page, too.

chrome has the same problems when you first visit the page, but fixes
itself when you leave the page and come back.

anyone know what's going on?!?!

[jQuery] Cycle plugin Issue in Safari and Chrome browser

2009-03-13 Thread peterhck


I hope someone can help me with this issue. When I look at the demo
pages on the Cycle plugin website they all work in all browsers but
when I do my own page and test it using the shuffle feature it works
in IE6, IE7, Firefox but not Safari or Chrome. I am going crazy here
so can some one point me as to why Cycle plugin is not doing anything
and just stacking the div elements one on top of the other . I am
using JQuery 1.3.2 and Cycle Plugin 2.56 .


[jQuery] jquery cycle plugin issue

2009-02-10 Thread anibal

Hi guys :
I'm having a problem with cycle which refuses to see the links I have
put in the divs.
When I click on my links it just move on the next slide (next div)
I don't now how to fix this problem.
I have seen there is a parameter pagerAnchorBuilder: null ... maybe
there is any chance
to modify it an put it to work correctly ??
I really don't know.

If Somebody out there could help , it would be great !!!

[jQuery] Re: jquery cycle plugin issue

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

 I'm having a problem with cycle which refuses to see the links I have
 put in the divs.
 When I click on my links it just move on the next slide (next div)
 I don't now how to fix this problem.
 I have seen there is a parameter pagerAnchorBuilder: null ... maybe
 there is any chance
 to modify it an put it to work correctly ??
 I really don't know.

 If Somebody out there could help , it would be great !!!

Please post some code or a link.  You haven't provided enough
information for me to help.
