
Quick question about drag-n-drop with jQuery UI.

For my CMS, I have a admin tree of items of various types, that i want to enable drag-n-drop between. I aim to emulate windows explorer in most aspects of operations, with some improvements ofcourse.

I had already found a drag-n-drop library (Toolman's) before i found jQuery, and built something where you could re-arrange the order in which items are displayed (making them non-alphabetical, yep) by dragging them to another position in the tree. I can drag something _between_ 2 other items(x&y), and it will take the same parent as those x&y, but the "LevelOrder" is set to Y, and all nodes with LevelOrder Y get an increase of 1 ofcourse.

I'd really like to keep this functionality. It is usefull to re-arrange menu-items.

So can jQuery UI do this?

I have two <div>s within a container <div> or <td>, underneath eachother, with no gap between 'm. I want to detect (easilly or even with lots of custom code) that a dragged <div> is dragged between two of those items.

The only thing i can think of is to have a 1-pixel div between items, that's also a droppable-container.
But then the mouse-pointer has to Exactly be on that spot..
It's too cumbersome for even an exp end-user (me), i've already tried it, not with jQuery UI but with Toolman's lib.. I had to increase the text-size of items in the tree so i had enough pixel resolution to both select 'the 50% of height centered around the middle of a div', and the 25%'s at top and bottom.

And really, it's worth having this feature ppl :)
Much better than again more buttons that an average end-user gets scared by.
Less buttons -> better, imo.

Anyways, thanks for reading this, and if you have an anwser to my question i'd really like to hear it asap.
I'm on hold with my explorer-func until i know more... ;)

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