Hello folks,

I'm trying to duplicate a row of an existing table using a function adapted from http://www.nabble.com/Add-Table-row-to12989886s27240.html#a13300133

My problem is that I cannot identify the identifier of the last row (of the original table).

The last row of my table has the form:

<tr class="smfont90"><td><input name="correctans5" value="1" id="bc5" type="checkbox"></td><td><textarea rows="3" name="answer5" id="theans5" style="width: 250px;"></textarea></td><td><textarea rows="3" name="feedback5" id="fb5" style="width: 250px;"></textarea></td></tr>

The function I'm using is as follows.  Two questions:
1. I get an error at the alert - intCurrentRowID is not defined. What is my error here? 2. Is there a more efficient way of writing the 4 lines starting at point 2 (I'm trying to re-name the feedback and answer IDs and NAMEs

function duplicateRow(){
        // First, lets create the new row using the last one as template...
        var clonedRow = $( "#myTable tr:last" ).clone();
// Take the current identifier, some number in the first cell of the row
        intCurrentRowId = parseInt( $( "#bc:last", clonedRow ).html() );
1.--->  alert(intCurrentRowID);
        // Set the new ID
        intNewRowId = intCurrentRowId + 1;
        // Change the current identifier of the row to the new one
        $( "#bc:last", clonedRow ).html( intNewRowId );
        // Change the Id / Name or anything you want for the new attribs
2.---> $( "#fb"+ intCurrentRowId , clonedRow ).attr( { "id" : "fb" + intNewRowId} ); $( "#bc"+ intCurrentRowId , clonedRow ).attr( { "id" : "bc" + intNewRowId} ); $( "#feedback"+ intCurrentRowId , clonedRow ).attr( { "name" : "feedback" + intNewRowId} ); $( "#answer"+ intCurrentRowId , clonedRow ).attr( { "name" : "answer" + intNewRowId} );

        // Add to the new row to the original table
        $( "#myTable").append( clonedRow );



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