Hi, seeking some assistance with customising the superfish vertical
navigation list. I've removed arrows, shadows etc. as I only need 1
additional popup menu on hovers and no other effects (I've applied an
80% transparency effect to the sub-menu list items, that's all). I am
wondering how I would go about customising the css such that instead
of the first list item showing text, I want it to have an image
rollover using css, something similar to some tutorials I found:


I am hoping that since there are no "id"s attached to individual list
items, I could use a <li id="rollover"> or something similar to apply
the effect without interfering with the rest of the superfish css... I
hope I am not being too vague here, this is my first time using these
groups so please tell me if I should direct my query elsewhere.

I will have a play around as I only have a very basic knowledge of CSS
but would welcome any suggestions from experts out there or indeed Mr
Birch himself!

Thanks in advance.

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