What do you guys think of this critique of jQuery I found on Simon
Willison's site (which is good reading).


jQuery is definitely a popular utility function library, but the sheer
amount of dual/triple/quadruple special-case uses for both function
calls and method names is an instant turnoff for me.

The jQuery object itself can perform a selector query, embed a DOM
element, create a DOM element from HTML and assign a DOMContentReady
event handler - and probably more. Event handling is separated into
separate methods for each event type. Some method names make no
immediate sense, like .one or .eq, and you can't immediately tell if a
method acts on the first element in the collection or all of them.

I can't recommend jQuery to the developers I am mentoring because it
is in itself a completely separate abstraction, and a muddy one at
that. They will end up having to learn jQuery instead of having to
learn DOM, CSS and JS, and when being considered as a direct
replacement for those it fails both due to complexity and



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