
On the site I am working on (http://www.pjhconstruction.net/) I have a
couple scripts that I am using. Anyways at the moment I am using an
shtml extension and using ssi's. I need to be able to convert the site
to be using PHP and use php includes. My problem lies with all of my
jQuery scripts not functioning anymore.

If you go to http://www.pjhconstruction.net/index.shtml, you'll see
the image rotator and the collapsed div navigation all working.

But, if you go to http://www.pjhconstruction.net/index.php, it's a
whole 'nother story. The image rotator is not functioning (and
replaced with black div), and if you click the navigation links you
will get nothing!

I am just wondering, what is happening. It is not my server either, I
have tested on two different servers. Maybe there is error in my html
or something. I'm just really confused.


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