[jQuery] Jtip and Jquery lightbox?

2009-02-15 Thread pardity

Is it possible to have lightbox with a jtip?

[jQuery] jTip

2008-05-08 Thread Mr.Morton

Hi Group!

I am very new to jQuery, and I need help!

I am trying to make jTip work the way i want.
I found this http://15daysofjquery.com/jquery-tooltips/21/
and from that I made this

And with a few modification I almost got it working the way I want...

But what do I want? Yes, I want a tooltip that you can move the
mouse over and when the mouse leaves the tooltip it fades out. This
part works! Hurray! But when you leave the link without touching the
tooltip, the tooltip stays  So i need a way to make the tooltip
fadeout when the mouse leaves the link, but at the same being able to
move the mouse over the tooltip.

Does it make any sense??

[jQuery] jtip plugin

2008-05-01 Thread cfdvlpr

I'm using this plugin for the first time and noticing something odd.
The tooltip loads as you would expect, but at the bottom left hand
side of my screen I see another tooltip loading(with the same title)
with the animated loading image in the body of the window and nothing
else.  Very strange.  Anyone else noticed something like this?

[jQuery] jTip reload issue

2007-08-01 Thread Chris Hall

Hello all.

I am new to jQuery, and I must say it is FANTASTIC!

I am using jTips and it is working very well, but with one exception.

When my page is intially loaded, everything works great.  However,
when I reload a DIV using AJAX, the jtips in that div do not work.

I have verified the code I am using to reload the div is exactly the
same (for testing, but once this is fixed it will not be).

So for example, when the page is initially loaded I have:

Area description goes herebr / In this area you see a
href=tips.php?tip=player14 class=jTip id=player14
name=GONtest13/a, a href=tips.php?tip=player19 class=jTip
id=player19 name=GONtest5/a

And everything works fine.

But after the page has been loaded and I use AJAX to reload that div

Area description goes herebr / In this area you see a
href=tips.php?tip=player14 class=jTip id=player14
name=GONtest13/a, a href=tips.php?tip=player19 class=jTip
id=player19 name=GONtest5/a

The jtips do not work.

What am I doing wrong?

And thanks for all your help and your wonderful framework!!!

[jQuery] jTip hover cache

2007-07-13 Thread Web Specialist

Hi all.

I'm using jTip plugin and love your easy implementation and css style. But
when mouse gets over requests info from server(I'm using database content)
what is a bit too much overhead. If user holds your mouse in a link for jTip
loads several calls to database. How can I insert a cache to avoid this?


[jQuery] jTip and ToolTip featured on smashing magazine

2007-06-12 Thread Benjamin Sterling


Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Jtip problem

2007-06-02 Thread sublimenal

Hello im using jtip with this modifcation to change the href to name

But I am having a problem, i keep getting the error:

o has no properties
getAbsoluteLeft()jquery-latest.js (line 67)
%20SR.-18410_main.html, , tooltip.php?id=18410)jquery-latest.js
(line 26)
JT_init()jquery-latest.js (line 18)
handleHover(mouseover clientX=0, clientY=0)jquery-latest.js (line 1)
e(mouseover clientX=0, clientY=0)jquery-latest.js (line 1)
[Break on this error] oLeft = o.offsetLeft // Get left position from
the parent object

Its saying something about o having no properties. Anyone have an idea
what that should be?

when you hover over

IT should display
