
I have a problem with the encoding / decoding of Norwegian characters
namely Ø turned into Ã

This happens with the jquery-autocomplete plugin and not with the
jquery load() method.

That is, this :

$("totalAvtaleNavn").load(suggestTotalAvtaleUrl, {q:"TTTøøre"});

works fine. Always.

But this :

$("#miID").autocomplete(myUrl, {
                            minChars: 2,
                            matchContains: 1,
                            formatItem: function(row) {
                            formatResult: function(row) {

works only when run from within a Grails run-app on my local machine,
and does not work when run from a test server with Tomcat.

My guess is that the jquery-autocomplete plugin is sensitive to some
environment affecting its handling of utf-8 encoding and decoding.

Any idea ?

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