I've just downloaded the jQuery Collapsor demo (http://
plugins.jquery.com/project/collapsor) for use on a navigation system
and was wondering whether anyone knew how to achieve the following.
I'm a newbie at js so i really have no idea.

Ideally what i want it to do, is when i click on a link thats is
within the accordion/collapsor div, i want that collapsor to remain
open when i am taken to the link page - at the moment the navigation
closes as soon as i move to a new page, so i have to open it up again
to view the links again.


Section 1
     Sub link 1
     Sub link 2
     Sub link 3
Section 2
     Sub link 1
     Sub link 2
     Sub link 3

Initially when the page loads we can only see Section 1 and 2, the sub
links are hidden. I then click on Section 1, and the links to the sub
links are expanded. I then click on Sub link 1 for example, which
takes me to the relevant page, but then the navigation returns to its
closed state and i can only see the links to Section 1 and 2 again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks

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