
I have something like the following (fragment but shows context):

var currentActiveCommands =  jQuery("#menudiv ul li.runnable").find
var len = currentActiveCommands.length;
var resulthtml = "";
var field = document.getElementById("run_command");
var currentidtoclick ="";

var display = jQuery("#autocompletval");
var incrementer = 0;
if(which != 13){
if(len > 2){

           var reg = new RegExp(field.value,"i");
             currentActiveCommands.each(function(i) {

                        if(incrementer == 0){

                        firstidinline = $(this).attr("id");

                        //alert("i is less than 1" +
                        incrementer = incrementer + 1;
                        currentidtoclick = $(this).attr("id");

                        //note clicker function must be made cross-
browser, IE uses fireEvent I use dispatchevent
                         resulthtml =   resulthtml + "<a href='#'
onclick='clicker(\"" +  currentidtoclick +  "\")'>" + $(this).html() +
"</a><br />"
             display.css("display", "block");

        // Add to body element




Anyway as can be seen what happens here is the data that needs to be
queried is inside the document, currently hidden but could be
displayed in some cases.
When someone starts entering data in the input field it goes through
this data and makes an autocomplete from the data in the document. The
problem is that if data entered in the input field initially can match
something in the document but then stops matching the previously
possible matches are not removed from the display. What is the best
way to handle this?

Also should I perhaps do an initial read in of this data to some
arrays and then do matches on the arrays? Or another suggestion?

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