The user starts out by clicking a link - 

<tr class="home"<td>Location</td><td><input type="button"
onclick="vtwo.two()" value="Flexigrid"</td></tr>

This leads to a js file where an iframe is called to pop up a dialog box -
it is at this point that I want to pass a variable in the url:
var vtwo = {
        two: function() {
                var url = 'test.php?gameno=2';
        $('<iframe id="popup" src="' + url + '" />').addClass("flora").dialog({ 
                        title: .....,
                        modal: true,
                        overlay: {
                opacity: 0.5,
                background: "grey"

I've also tried passing it these ways:
                var url = 'test.php?gameno=' + "5";

then in test.php the first thing I do is get the variable and print to a log
file- the url in my browser shows the variable, but I cannot get it to print
out via php:
$gameno = $_GET['gameno'];
error_log("gameno is  $gameno", 0);

Eventually, I need to pass this variable to a mysql database:
                           type: "POST",
                           dataType: "json",
                           url: "save.php",
                           data: { firstname: $('#firstname').val(), lastname:
$('#lastname').val(), homephone: $('#homephone').val(), cellphone:
$('#cellphone').val(), email: $('#email').val(), job: $('#job').val(),
gamenumber: $gameno },
                           success: function(data){
                                        alert("Thank you for volunteering!");
..... [/code]

Can anyone help??
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