Here's what I am trying to do - I want to print out the text value of
a particular td.  The easy solution would be to give each td in each
row a unique id (change code below so the first td to
id="row1_col1").  However if there is a way to access the text in col1
of row1 with jquery without giving each td element a unique id I'd
love to know.  You can look at the code below to get the idea of what
I am trying to do.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
  <script src="";></script>


    <table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" border="1">
        <tr id="row1">
            <td id="col1">1</td>
            <td id="col2">2</td>
        <tr id="row2">
            <td id="col1">3</td>
            <td id="col2">4</td>
    </table><br />

    <script type="text/javascript">
        str01 = $("#row1 > col1").text();// this doesn't work
        document.write("row1 col1 value is: " + str01 + "<br />");
        str02 = $("#row1").("col1").text();// this doesn't work
either, these are just for the attempts that failed
        document.write("row1 col1 value is: " + str02 + "<br />");

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