Could somebody tell me how this is managing to go wrong?

Site is at

I am trying to animate movement between # locations on the page — the
#s being references to images in a gallery. Each image has a little
caption at the bottom giving its position in the list and offering
href=# links to the next and/or last one in the sequence.

As it stands the default behaviour works absolutely fine, but that's
all that happens. My syntax (relevant script is at the bottom of line 70) appears to be fine,
all the right values are getting parsed according to Firebug and I can
step through about 60 actions in Firebug with all the right variables
showing... But then it just jumps to the next/last image as if there
were no scripting at all — with no errors or warnings or anything.

Anybody care to take a look and tell me what's missing?

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