The goal is a multi-stage process schema where a form is rendered
by a cgi script and inserted into a static web page via this method:
          var myscript;
          if(document.domain == '') // local
                myscript = "";;
                myscript = "http://www.somedomain/cgi-bin/script.r";;
                        //alert(resp);  // leave for testing
                        }) });
[/code] And is successful.
The second stage is to validate the input form that is rendered by the
method above and write out a review form to the 'dynamic_content'
innerHTML. The form provides an 'onsubmit' handler, called as follows
from the form tag: onsubmit="return CheckForm0(this);"
coded as follows:
  function CheckForm0(myform){ // myform is the 'this' in CheckForm0(this);
    if(Check_Form0(myform)){ // validation code
                        //alert(resp);  // leave for testing
          return false;
        return false;
        } //[/code]

The problem is that $(this).serialize does not provide the encoded
string that the CGI script is looking for. Does jQuery provide a function
to serialize the 'myform' argument?


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