
first off, amazing! thank you for your great work.

most every part is working for me, including using background images.
when the mouse hovers, the background image changes as does the text
color. perfect. currently, i only have the superfish menu on the
"Discounts" link so that is the link i am speaking of. (as should be
obvious when looking at the menu, i'm using blank background images
with actual link text on top of them).

after the hover menu "flys out" and i begin to hover over the "fly
out" menu, the parent link "Discounts" text color reverts back to its
original color. the background image stays just like it should though.
i've tried everything i can think of up to and including using js to
force the text color to stick but without success.

any help would be greatly appreciated especially since i will be in
big trouble with a client if i can't get it working. mr. birch, your
code is flawless but i've updated the css file to better reflect how i
understand css. i hope you'll be able to make sense of it.

here's the site for testing:

(the "menu" css is below the other sections. ignore the other stuff...
it's pasted from the live site and most of it isn't being used in the

(file i use to initialize superfish... rather than calling from the

thank you very much in advance!


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