Re: [jQuery] Best Practices or unobtrusive Javascript

2009-11-30 Thread Shawn
The blocking is an issue, but only if you end up loading more than XXX 
number of elements at a time.  The specific number is browser dependent. 
 I think I read somewhere that IE8 and FF3.5 will only load 4 items 
concurrently (CSS files, JS libraries, images, etc).

So, the knee-jerk solution is to minimize your libraries, compress them 
where possible, enable caching, etc.  OR, load a single JS library that 
will then add the needed elements after the page loads.

Sure putting JS at the end of a file, or even in the middle of the file 
may help with performance, but I would slap my subordinates upside the 
head (in a friendly manner, of course) for doing that.  It makes 
maintaining pages a pain in the rear, seeing as every other page I've 
worked on in recent years puts JS in the header (either library 
includes, or page specific code), AND is contrary to the coding 
standards for our projects.  Writing code that is generally consistent 
with what others tend to do makes that code much easier to understand 
and maintain.

But I recognize the many ways to do things rule, and don't mean to 
suggest my way is right.  If you have the volume where you *really* 
need to worry about performance, then the rules get bent anyways and 
creative solutions are found.  Such as merging all JS libraries into one 
file, then gzipped

My random thoughts.


Rafał Pocztarski wrote:

2009/11/30 breadwild

I have seen several examples on jQuery plugin sites that have the
script tag and Javascript within the body and not the head where
I thought it was supposed to go.

It's a matter of performance. Put your CSS as close to the top of the
head as possible, and put your JavaScript as close to the bottom of
the body as possible.

This is because browsers try to load everything in parallel but block
while loading, compiling and executing JavaScript (because it could
potentially alter the following HTML - e.g. using document.write). You
can try to work around this but if you just want to include script
tags in your HTML without any fancy tricks to load scripts using
iframes or xhr evals or injections then move your script tags to the
bottom of your page.

Rafał Pocztarski

Re: [jQuery] Best Practices or unobtrusive Javascript

2009-11-29 Thread Shawn
When doing dynamic sites, you sometimes have no choice but to put the JS 
in the body area.  My rule of thumb is to use libraries wherever 
possible and include those libraries in the head section.  But with 
the understanding that *sometimes* (though rarely these days) I will 
need to put JS into the body.

Take a look at what you are doing with the code that is in the body 
area.  Can that code be wrapped up in a function and called in the 
$(document).ready() function?  If so, then that is probably what you 
should be doing to make your code more self contained.

Building Ajax driven sites sometimes needs the code in the body area 
though.  If you dynamically add a block of elements and need to do 
something to them the moment they are loaded, then this *might* be a 
reasonable time to embed JS code directly.  Though I tend to use 
$.ajax() and so can just call a function after adding the elements. 
Which means I can pre-write that function in a library, with no JS 
needed in the body area.

Clear as mud?  :)


breadwild wrote:

I have seen several examples on jQuery plugin sites that have the
script tag and Javascript within the body and not the head where
I thought it was supposed to go.

It would be better for my content manager and the templating system if
the Javascript *were* in the body but I don't want to be guilty of
not having unobtrusive code.

What's the standard/acceptable/best practices method?

 javascript here


   html here
  javascript here

Thanks in advance!

Re: [jQuery] Best Practices or unobtrusive Javascript

2009-11-29 Thread Rafał Pocztarski
2009/11/30 breadwild
 I have seen several examples on jQuery plugin sites that have the
 script tag and Javascript within the body and not the head where
 I thought it was supposed to go.

It's a matter of performance. Put your CSS as close to the top of the
head as possible, and put your JavaScript as close to the bottom of
the body as possible.

This is because browsers try to load everything in parallel but block
while loading, compiling and executing JavaScript (because it could
potentially alter the following HTML - e.g. using document.write). You
can try to work around this but if you just want to include script
tags in your HTML without any fancy tricks to load scripts using
iframes or xhr evals or injections then move your script tags to the
bottom of your page.

Rafał Pocztarski