Re: Please Help!! JRUN and CF Admin Out of CONTROLL

2009-05-08 Thread Dave Watts

Hi there!

> Can anyone tell me if my CF Admin guy is nuts? I think he means well, but he 
> is stressing
> everyone out with this log file.  He says this is what is causing our random 
> hangings with our
> CFMX7 server.  We have a 4 CPU system and 3.5GB of RAM.  This should be more 
> than
> adequate for running our application.

First, I'd recommend that you post this on one of the other
houseoffusion lists, as the jrun one is pretty much defunct.

Second, a single CF instance can't use 3.5 GB of RAM, so just because
you have that doesn't mean much.

Third, in general you'll get much better performance with CF 8, since
CF 8 supports new, non-obsolete JVMs. CF 7 supports 1.4.x, while CF 8
supports the latest 1.6 JVM.

> Our site gets about 900 logins per day from west cost to east cost.  We are 
> east cost, so the majority of our traffic
> is probably around 11 or 12 Eastern Time.  We have session variables that 
> store anywhere between 10,000 rows
> with anywhere between 200-400 characters.  The session time span is 4 hours 
> and 5 minutes.  Shouldn’t our
> system easily handle this? I ask, because our admin guy says it is an issue, 
> but I think our problems are from
> something else, maybe upstream? One other thing to note is that our users 
> claim that pages are taking minutes
> to load, but this garbage collection the sys admin keeps talking about only 
> shows it is in collections for very
> small number of seconds? The log below is only for a couple of minutes, but 
> we have this problem for the rest
> of the day.  Also, he claims this is peppered through out the log file.  
> Usually not this much, but he sees full
> collection similar to this quite frequently.

Well, first, that's a lot of stuff to stick in the session scope.

Second, that's a REALLY LONG session timespan. The time span
determines how long sessions will last with no user activity, so if I
log in, view one page and close my browser, that session will stick
around in memory for 4 hours more. That's really, really long. I'd set
it to something like 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes tops.

Third, garbage collection might not take very long when it runs, but
it may pause all other activity while it's running. CF doesn't execute
all tasks in parallel, it uses a queuing system, and if you're
receiving more requests than you have threads to process those
requests, the additional requests are queued. If garbage collection
occurs while my request is in the queue, all the requests currently
being processed will take longer, and it'll take longer for my request
to get an available thread.

> It used to be that our system would bounce back after restarting our CF 
> Server, but now this doesn’t do
> anything for us.  We are experiencing more volume, but I don’t think this 
> could possibly cause this much
> of a hanging scenario!! Besides, when I look at CF debug, it shows pages are 
> being rendered in seconds,
> not minutes. I think our admin guy may be a little over the top with all of 
> this.  Can some one please help?

When you actually browse pages, what do you see? Do they take seconds?
You may have other issues that don't have anything to do with CF.

> Oh, here are some other info:
> Min heap is 512
> Max heap is 1024

This means that your CF server can only use 1024 MB of that 3.5 GB RAM
you've got.

> We are using parallelGC switch.

There are a lot of tunable parameters for garbage collection.
Unfortunately, finding the optimal ones is often a matter of trial and

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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Re: warning Error while parsing POST data in coldfusion 7.02

2009-03-01 Thread Dave Watts

> I am getting error "warning Error while parsing POST
> data " can any help me on this... due to this CF server
> doesn't respond and we need to restart CF in order to
> fix this problem... any suggestion

I suggest you send this to cf-talk, and provide more information when
you do. You might also check your log files for more information.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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Re: warning Error while parsing POST data in coldfusion 7.02

2009-03-01 Thread Dave Watts

> I am getting error "warning Error while parsing POST
> data " can any help me on this... due to this CF server
> doesn't respond and we need to restart CF in order to
> fix this problem... any suggestion

I suggest you send this to cf-talk, and provide more information when
you do. You might also check your log files for more information.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: Google Web Toolkit and JRUN

2008-06-16 Thread Dave Watts
> How I came to the solution though was by switching from CF 8 Dev (with
> JRUN) to Open Blue Dragon (with Jetty).  Starting Jetty from 
> the command line gave me instant feedback about what was 
> wrong, whereas when I started CF as a Windows service (which 
> starts JRUN), there's no feedback to help lead me to the problem.

You can start CF from the command line in the same way.

jrun -start instancename (typically "cfusion" or "coldfusion")

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: IIS - JRUN mapping htm to jrun

2007-10-24 Thread Dave Watts
> I have a config with IIS 6 - JRUN 4, the problem is that i 
> want to process htm files with JRUN (no like jsp) without 
> compile them. For that i map the htm extensions in IIS to the 
> jrun dll same as jsp. When i try to access an existing htm 
> file i recive this message "Either the Macromedia application 
> server(s) are unreachable or none of them has a mapping to 
> process this request." I'm doing something wrong in the 
> config, can anywone tell me how can i do that?

You will also need to make the appropriate mapping in web.xml. These
instructions are for ColdFusion (which runs on JRun) but they also apply to
JRun alone:

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: IIS - JRUN mapping htm to jrun

2007-10-24 Thread Dave Watts
> You will also need to make the appropriate mapping in 
> web.xml. These instructions are for ColdFusion (which runs on 
> JRun) but they also apply to JRun alone:
> File-Extensions

Oh, I forgot to mention that you'd map your extension to the appropriate
JRun servlet, which won't be the CFMServlet.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: 403 Forbidden

2007-09-23 Thread Dave Watts
> Do you mean file permissions? Where else?

Yes, file permissions on the DLL used by IIS to communicate with JRun. I
forget where they're located offhand, but you can find that out easily
enough within the IIS management console.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: 403 Forbidden

2007-09-22 Thread Dave Watts
> I am working to setup a win2k3 server with Jrun 4.  I already 
> have 2 done.  I have the latest setup with all the Jrun 
> patches and hotfixs applied.  The instance starts up with 
> without error.  I deployed our application to it(just like on 
> the other 2 servers).  However, for some reason when I try to 
> run the application I get a 403 IIS 
> permissions issue.  I can't for the life of me figure out 
> what the heck I am missing.  No errors in the jrun log, 
> however, the IIS log does show the 403 error.  It sounds like 
> an IIS issue but I can't find it.  I've compared the machines 
> and cannot find a problem.

Make sure that the ISAPI filter has the appropriate permissions set on it.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: JRun servers, multiple cfmx instances and apache

2007-06-29 Thread Dave Watts
> I am trying to get multiple server instances of CFMX (v7 and 
> v8) to use with Apache v2.0.59. I want virtual server A to be 
> hosted by a CFMX7.02 instance and virtual server B hosted by 
> a CFMX8 instance.
> I cannot get this to work and I recall this was no problem 
> with IIS. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
> Simply copying the lines
>   JRunConfig Serverstore C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\2
>   JRunConfig Bootstrap #cfmx8 instance
>   JRunConfig Apialloc false
> (with the correct values for Serverstore and Bootstrap)
> in a virtual container section of a httpd.config file 
> configured for use with JRun4 server/cfmx7 instance won't do 
> it. Its's as if the lines in the virtual hosts section are 
> ignored by Apache.

Setting up JRun to work with Apache is a little more work. I think the
easiest way to do this is the following:

1. Run wsconfig to set up Apache to work with your first JRun instance.
2. Copy your httpd.conf file.
3. Run wsconfig to set up Apache to work with your second JRun instance.
4. Edit your httpd.conf file to include the changes made in the first step,
placing some in your VirtualHost directive and others in your main
httpd.conf content. The LoadModule part will need to go in httpd.conf, and
you'll need the IfModule directive containing only the Ssl option in
httpd.conf also. The other parts will go into your VirtualHost directives as

> 2nd question
> The workings of servlet engines (JBoss, Tomcat, JRun etc) is 
> a littlebit unclear to me. What does it mean to deploy a 
> ear/war file? What exactly happens when you deploy a cfmx 
> server in a servlet engine like JRun/Tomcat? What's the 
> lifecycle of a request for a file served by this cfmx 
> instance? What is different with the "old" cfmx (pre v5) behavior?

Deploying an EAR or WAR file creates the resources needed for a specific
enterprise or web application. Your application server will look for
specific URL patterns, which will then be handled by the application server.
I don't think this tells you everything you're curious about, but frankly
I'm not sure what else you want to know exactly.

The lifecycle of a request is no different with a J2EE server than with any
other sort of server, really.

> Also I don't quite understand the need for the Windows' 
> services "Macromedia JRun Admin Server" and "Macromedia JRun 
> Cfusion Server". They both point to the same executable 
> "C:\JRun4\bin\jrunsvc.exe". As I see it the JRun4 servlet 
> engine is responsible for the workings of any (coldfusion) 
> servlet collection deployed. And it listens for requests on 
> configured ports. Why these windows services?

They run separate instances of JRun. If you look at the arguments passed to
each executable for each service, you'll notice that they're a bit
different. The command-line analogue is to run jrun.exe:

jrun -start admin
jrun -start cfusion

The Admin server lets you manage JRun itself, much like the CF Administrator
application lets you manage CF. You can disable the JRun Admin service; you
don't need it unless you want to access the JRun Admin console.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: old jdom in jrun.jar

2007-06-26 Thread Dave Watts
> I've come across an issue where the jdom code in the jrun.jar 
> file is outdated (beta 7). There is a method 
> (Element.getValue()) that I have my heart set on using but 
> it's in the newer jdom package (1.0). If I compile using the 
> newer version, JRun throws a runtime error and won't start. 
> Has anyone encountered this before? Is there a way around it, 
> or do I just need to find a different XML parser?

This might be helpful:

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: JRUN4 servlet not found

2007-03-09 Thread Dave Watts
> class
> myclass
> relServlet.class
> I have a running server called tools and have the placed the 
> .war and have expanded it in the directory.  When I go to the 
> web page I see my ..jsp but the log file says rel/relServlet 
> can not be found.

Wouldn't it be myclass/relServlet?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: Jrun Cluster question

2005-08-30 Thread Dave Watts
> Curious, Doesn't CF7 have new admin features that give you 
> the ability to add CF servers into a cluster?

Yes, it does. They seemed to work ok, the couple of times I've tried them.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: Jrun Cluster question

2005-08-30 Thread Dave Watts
> If anyone can help me on this it would be greatly appreciated.
> I have created a Jrun 4 cluster with 2 instances.
> I am trying to deply CFMX 7 to it. THis works fine, however 
> the context for ColdFusion is /Cfusion, I want it to be /.  
> In the single instance I can just go into the Jrun admin and 
> reploy it but in the cluster world it will not let me  
> How can I fix this?

I think that, to do this through the JRun Admin Console, you will need to
remove each instance from the cluster and make the changes, then recreate
the cluster. Alternatively, you may be able to do it by simply editing the
appropriate XML configuration file within each cluster member, then
restarting them all.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: Machine specs

2005-05-17 Thread Dave Watts
> I'm researching a machine configuration for running CFMX (most likely
> version 6.1) where I can run multiple instances which will be
> connecting to Oracle Databases.
> I am trying to find information for how much physical memory each
> session in the CFMX server will use (not counting the memory that is
> required for Oracle connections); does anyone either know roughly
> what this is or where I can find additional information that would
> help me determine this?

This is a very tough question, because the memory footprint for each
instance will depend upon what exactly that instance is doing. On my Windows
development machine, an instance that isn't doing anything at all consumes
about 40 MB, but an instance that's doing anything can consume significantly
more memory (as it should).

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: CFMX7 and another App

2005-05-10 Thread Dave Watts
> We have an app with a specific context root(/ourapp).  When 
> deployed in a jrun instance that also had CFMX 6.1 (using / 
> as the context-root) everything worked great.
> However, now that CFMX 7 deploys as an Enterprise Web 
> Application it's context root / takes precedence over our app 
> that is also deployed in the same instance.  Other than 
> changing the context root of cfmx7 is there any other way to 
> get these 2 to coexist in the same instance?

This is a long shot - I don't know what I'm talking about here - but maybe
you could rearrange the orders of the context roots in

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: Compiled Java Files from jsp's

2004-07-21 Thread Dave Watts
> Anyone here know where JRun would store the .java files from 
> compiled jsp with a deployed webapp on a watched directory?
> We deploy a webapp in it¹s expanded form to a folder like 
> Œ/apps/app1¹ and then use the JRun admin interface to point 
> to the directory and deploy the application.
> Turns out we have some run time errors in some JSP files that 
> give the line number for the exception for the COMPILED JSP 
> but not the actual JSP file on disk.

I don't think it stores the source files at all - I think they're compiled
directly to bytecode without being stored as source code. I'm no JRun
expert, though. If they were stored anywhere, I suspect they'd be stored in
the same place as the compiled class files.

I think the compiled class files are in
\jrun4\servers\yourserver\yourserver-war\WEB-INF\jsp (if you've deployed as
an EAR, presumably it would be

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RE: Date? What Date?

2004-06-25 Thread Dave Watts
> I have done that to resolve the problem already, however I'm 
> curious as to why this is happening, incase it's a problem 
> elsewhere in our app, where the results are not quite so 
> obvious

I suspect it has to do with the database drivers you're using.

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RE: Date? What Date?

2004-06-25 Thread Dave Watts
> I know this may be a little less JRUN related, however it's 
> seemingly the only un-common denominator, between two 
> different instances, which are behaving differently.
> Basically I have a CFM, running inside an application, on a 
> JRUN 4 application server, hitting an Oracle database.

I suspect you'd have better luck with this sort of question on the CF-Talk
list, actually.

> The CFM has a cfquery in it, which has one parameter.
> The query is running, and returning a row, which the criteria 
> of the query should be eliminating.
> ...
> The portion of the query i have narrowed it down to, is the line
> " or somedate >= '26-Jun-2004' "

You might have better luck if you use the to_date function with dates in

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RE: How much RAM?

2004-06-22 Thread Dave Watts
> I am running JRun/CFMX on Sun Solaris. I realize that load 
> will have something to do with Memory usage. As an Admin, I 
> am trying to determine if I should create seperate CFMX 
> instances for each App or should I actually put some thought 
> into it. ;-)

I wouldn't base this decision on memory usage. You should ask yourself what
benefits, if any, you'll see by running separate applications on separate
instances. For example, you might benefit by isolating stable applications
from unstable ones, or by being able to secure individual applications
better, or by being able to tune individual applications better.

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RE: reserved ports for JRUN

2004-06-22 Thread Dave Watts
> What are some of the common ports reserved for JRun4?
> I see that when I create a New Server there is a JNDI Port 
> (2900s), HTTP Port (8000s), Proxy Port (51000s).
> Are there others?  I have not been able to find any 
> information or reserved or preferred port for JRun4 with CFMX?

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RE: How much RAM?

2004-06-22 Thread Dave Watts
> 35 MEGABYTES? Seriously? That seems a bit high...

That's what I recall seeing, the last time I looked, using the Windows Task
Manager on Windows Server 2003.

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RE: How much RAM?

2004-06-22 Thread Dave Watts
> Now that I have CFMX installed under JRun, how much RAM 
> is needed for each instance of CFMX that is running under 
> JRun4?

If I recall correctly, just running a JRun instance with CFMX will consume
around 35MB without even servicing client requests. Obviously, when it
starts doing work, it'll probably consume more memory. How much memory it
consumes will depend on the nature of your application, and the load that it
has to handle. If you're using multiple instances within a single cluster,
each instance probably won't need as much memory as a single instance would
if it were running the application alone.

> I see the great benefit of sandboxing CFMX applications, but 
> at what cost in RAM and Diskspace?

Storage (RAM or disk) is relatively inexpensive.

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RE: Getting JRUN to start....

2004-06-21 Thread Dave Watts
> I think you are right in that I am probably not able to start 
> up a SWING application. But was able to start the admin server 
> (JMC) with ./jrun -start admin.

You should be able to start any specific instance using that syntax. You
don't really need the JRun Launcher at all - I can't remember the last time
I ran that.

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RE: Getting JRUN to start....

2004-06-21 Thread Dave Watts
> I have having newbie(nubbie) syndrome right now.  I just 
> install jrun4 without a hitch last friday.  Now I am trying 
> to startup the "JRun server launcher" and I am getting an 
> Exception that starts off with:
> ./jrun
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
>    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native method)
>    at java.lang.Class.forName(
>    ...
> Caused by: jva.lang.NullPointerException
>    at sun.awt.motif.MtoolKit.(
>    ... 10 more.
> I installed ColdFusionMX 6.1 with JRun on a Sun Solaris 5.8 
> Sun-Fire-880.

It sounds like your server doesn't have AWT working, which might have to do
with not having X Windows working. I don't know much about using JRun on
Solaris, though.

You might try using the included shell scripts for starting and stopping
JRun server instances. I'm pretty sure these scripts are listed in the JRun

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: Session invalidation not being replicated

2004-05-18 Thread Dave Watts
> I have a question regarding terminating sessions in a 
> clustered environment.
> My session replication is working fine except when I 
> invalidate a session.
> If I invalidate a session with session.invalidate(), then 
> that session is successfully terminated on that server 
> (server1). However the session is still alive and well on the 
> buddy server (server2)
> This means that the user can continue working if they happen 
> to get routed to server2. 
> Moreover, if they make an update to that session on server2, 
> it then gets replicated back to server1 where it becomes 
> active again.
> Has anyone else seen this happening?

I haven't got a clue about session termination through Java, but if you
can't find an answer, you might consider just deleting the client token
(usually the jsessionid cookie), which will effectively get you the same
result from the end user's perspective.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: Re[2]: JRUN Stability

2004-04-13 Thread Dave Watts
> Are we simply talking glorified web-sites with a little 
> processing behind them, or are we talking full hard-code 
> business applications.

We (and our clients) are running applications and content management systems
with JRun. Both of these tend to be very dynamic.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: Re[2]: JRUN Stability

2004-04-09 Thread Dave Watts
> That's somewhat of a surprising comment, Macromedia's forums 
> were littered with reports of just how unstable CFMX for J2EE 
> on JRUN4 is.
> From that forum I was given the impression that such behavior 
> IS quote common. It's definately interesting, and gives some 
> glimmer of hope, to hear another side.

While there are lots of people having problems with CFMX/JRun, I suspect
they're a small minority.

> We're using IIS on a separate box, using the JRUN connector.

While I doubt that the problem is related to your web server, you may want
to try disabling IIS and using the built-in JRun web server, just to see if
that changes anything. But before doing that, read on ...

> I'm looking into debugging JRUN, the CFMX code is at least 
> stable enough to support 2/3 users... so It's leaning toward 
> JRUN simply not being man enough for the job.

In my experience, most CFMX/JRun stability problems are caused by database
driver issues. Several of our clients ran into severe stability issues that
were resolved by using different database drivers. What database are you
using? Have you installed the very latest database driver patch from MM
(released earlier this week)?

Macromedia DataDirect Connect for JDBC driver update:
pu.htm (installation instructions)
.zip (direct link to drivers)

If those don't work for you, you may want to try your database vendor's JDBC

Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server 2000:

Oracle JDBC drivers: (make sure to
use JDK 1.4-compliant drivers)

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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2004-01-09 Thread Dave Watts
> Here's another question. We have a IIS website with an 
> SSL cert applied to it. When we deploy an ear to the 
> JRUN Instance connected to it you can access the java 
> app by http and https. Is there any to force the app to
> only acknowledge HTTPS requests?

You should be able to do that within the IIS management console. By default,
an IIS virtual server that has a certificate installed will listen on ports
80 and 443. You can remove the port 80 listener from the IIS MMC.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: CFMX Charting hitting the server too hard

2003-07-07 Thread Dave Watts
> When one of our developers performs some charting functions 
> under CF on our JRun enabled Solaris server, everyone else 
> trying to browse to that server gets a 404 error.
> This morning, I enabled charting and graphing for one of our 
> web developers who is developing a set of tools that will 
> generate graphs based on usage of our website. But if he 
> works on those charts at the same time that one of our 
> course developers uses a cold-fusion based tool to perform 
> another function, she gets an "Object Not Found" error. It
> seems as though the charting functionality hits the server 
> so hard that it is unable to cope with incoming HTTP requests.  
> Is this possible?
> We're using JRun 4 and CFMX on Solaris 9, with all appropriate 
> patches to all pieces of software applied.

First, you might have better luck with this on the cf-talk list.

I haven't run into this problem with using the CFCHART functionality with
CFMX Enterprise; I haven't tried it with CFMX for J2EE. Within CFMX
Enterprise, there are several options for controlling CFCHART functionality.
If those options also exist in CFMX for J2EE, you might try changing how you
cache charts (disk vs memory) and how many threads are created for charting.

However, it sounds like your chart may simply be significantly more complex
than the ones I've worked with. If that's the case, you may want to
reconsider how you do charting. If possible, do it before runtime using a
scheduled task, and just return the now-static charts at runtime.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444


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RE: JSP security issues

2003-01-13 Thread Dave Watts
> Firstly, our site specification requires a file upload 
> section. I've just confirmed that it's possible to upload 
> a JSP file, and have its code interpreted by Jrun. Not 
> good at all.  8-(  My preferred fix is to have the uploads 
> go into their own directory, which Jrun is configured 
> *not* to execute files from. Does anyone know a way to 
> exclude a sub-tree in this way? I've examined the 
> configuration section of Drew Falkman's book, but can't 
> see anything relevant.

I think this would be a matter of Apache configuration. I'm more familiar
with IIS; in IIS, you can disable the use of scripts and/or executables
within a single directory from within the IIS management console. I'm very
sure you can do the same in Apache, but I'm not 100% sure how you'd do it. I
suspect you might do something like this:

Options None

You might want to read the Apache documentation for more details, or a more
correct answer. If this works for you, please let me know.

> The second really relates to the JRE. It will insist on 
> running as user 'root.' Who'd have thought that of Sun?  
> It's not like they are UN*X newbies, after all. I've 
> tried setting the java executable to be suid 'apache,' 
> but then it fails to run due to not finding an essential 
> library. A long search of the Web only brought up 
> files about the need to install as root, nothing about 
> preventing it from running as him.

I don't have a clue about that. Sorry.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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2002-11-07 Thread Dave Watts
> But I am curious as to the business reasons why I 
> would want to develop an application using both CF
> and J2EE, inclusive of EJB's. Why not do the whole 
> thing in J2EE using many of the "free" tag libraries 
> that are available?

I can give a couple of reasons. As many here have already mentioned, CF is
incredibly easy to work with. For simple applications that might not merit a
complex framework like Struts, it's ideal - you can do everything you need
to, directly from CF, and because it's such a high-level language, the code
can still be manageable if done well.

Also, in a Model-View-Controller situation, CF is a good replacement for
JSP, I think - I've used both, and I find CF to be much easier to work with
than JSP (if for no other reason than the level of information in error

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Get the JRun Web Application Construction Kit - the only book written specifically for 
JRun developers.


2002-11-07 Thread Dave Watts
> No, you need to buy CF Server, however you do not 
> need to buy a Jrun server if you buy CFMX, as it 
> has an OEM version of Jrun with it, but it has lots
> of limitations (no JSP etc...) its only to run CFMX 
> really.

CFMX Enterprise Edition will run JSPs and servlets. I agree, though, that if
you're doing Java stuff, you're better off getting CFMX for JRun or
WebSphere or whatever.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Get the JRun Web Application Construction Kit - the only book written specifically for 
JRun developers.

RE: JRun4 Service Pack 1 update is now available!

2002-10-12 Thread Dave Watts
> But just to clarify, should we assume that the
> recent CFMX updater did NOT incorporate SP1, since 
> the latter was only released today but the former 
> came out a couple weeks ago? 

The CF MX updater didn't update Axis or the DataDirect drivers, so I'm
pretty sure that the JRun SP1 isn't incorporated in the CF MX updater.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Get the JRun Web Application Construction Kit - the only book written specifically for 
JRun developers.

RE: JRun4 Service Pack 1 update is now available!

2002-10-11 Thread Dave Watts

Hi, Vernon! I've got a couple of questions about the service pack.

> -JDBC - updated JDBC Type 4 drivers 

Do you know if the new set supports DB2 on OS/390? Is the new set the
DataDirect Connect 3.1 drivers?

> -Web Services - updated to support the Axis 1.0 engine

If you're using CF MX for J2EE, will this update affect CF MX's usage of web
service functionality?

Thanks in advance!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: Trouble With JRun4, ColdFusionMX, And IIS Coexistence

2002-09-25 Thread Dave Watts

> We used to do this before JRun4 and *MX, but now we are 
> upgrading and cannot seem to get the three to live together 
> happily. We have run the JRun4 web config tool, and my CF 
> peer has done the equivalent for CF. Now when I try to open 
> a jsp on port 80 (that works fine on port 8100) I get the 
> following (from the CF jvm). Of course, we have checked our 
> licensing and believe all is properly configured.

You can't have CF MX and JRun 4 working with a single IIS virtual server
simultaneously. You have at least two options, though:

- create separate virtual servers for each, then configure each with the
appropriate version of wsconfig, or
- replace the "standalone" version of CF MX with CF MX for JRun

Note that CF MX and JRun 4 both use the JRun 4 connector to talk to IIS.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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MXDC 02 :: Join us at this all day conference for 
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RE: Problems with own jsp-tags and jrun 3.1 with the type of the attribute

2002-05-13 Thread Dave Watts

> does anyone of you ever have got similar problems with
> own jsp-tags unter jrun 3.1. where the message has
> been as follows:
> "Error parsing TLD '/WEB/INF/hok.tld': The type for
> attribute 'systemlocale' for tag handler
> 'de.imc.clix.taglib.hok.masterdata.gui.SearchLanguageSelectTag'
> could not be determined. ."
> I have checked nearly everything:
> - the method in the tag is correct
> - the attribute is listened
> - the correct value is given to the tag

Have you cycled the server? I've needed to do that after adding a JSP tag

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: load testing (was RE: Difficult To Reproduce Session Issue)

2002-04-04 Thread Dave Watts

> I would (did) take WAST over any of those tools (except 
> OpenSTA because I've never used it).  I don't know about 
> OpenSTA, but LoadRunner, SilkPerformer and Empirix are all 
> pretty beastly in comparison.

I actually found SilkPerformer to be pretty easy to use, for what that's
worth. I also found the scripting capabilities it provided to be both easy
and extremely flexible, if you remember any Pascal. It's not cheap, though;
far from it.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: load testing (was RE: Difficult To Reproduce Session Issue)

2002-03-28 Thread Dave Watts

> If you do find other freebie testing tools, I would be 
> interested in the names/links.

Take a look at OpenSTA:

It's open-source, and free, and looks pretty good. I haven't used it for an
actual testing engagement yet (I'm used to SilkPerformer) but it looks like
it covers all the bases pretty well.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: IIS authentication 'under' jrun

2002-03-25 Thread Dave Watts

> Hi, I'm looking for some iis/jrun integration advice. We have 
> a jrun 3.0 app that uses form based authentication. Nice 
> because we can generate 100s of passwords in batches using 
> pwgen and jrunpasswd. Now we have the need to integrate with 
> crystal reports under iis4 on nt4. We would like to bring 
> these crystal iis 'pages' under the jrun realm, which is 
> defined in our web.xml. I tried using a virtual mapping, 
> but that doesn't work because the crystal reports use some 
> sort of isapi (I'm not too familiar with this) filter that 
> tell it to generate epf (encapsulated postscript, btw, 
> pretty fancy if you haven't seen it). Adding mime types to 
> was apparently not enough. Not being too 
> knowledgeable on NT/IIS security - is there an easy way to 
> accomplish this? Note that we absolutely do not want to use 
> an IIS/NT gui to admin 100s of users, so if the solution is 
> to have IIS control authentication, I would gladly hear about 
> some way to import gobs of user credentials.

I don't know enough about JRun to say whether there's any way to easily have
a common repository of usernames and passwords between your IIS application
(Crystal Reports) and your JRun application.

However, you can manage NT users from the command line - there are plenty of
free/cheap tools for that. The resource kits for Windows provide tools like
addusers.exe, which can import users from a text file. In addition, you can
build your own command-line tools, if you want to do something a little
different, using Windows Script Host against the ADSI interfaces.

Also, I think there may be third-party products for IIS which will allow IIS
to perform authentication against other user repositories besides the
Windows account manager.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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RE: Jrun with IIS

2002-03-21 Thread Dave Watts

> The above problem was elminated by uninstalling IIS and 
> installing Again. As per JRun Document it says "Makes 
> several changes to the Internet Services Manager's 
> metabase".
> What exactly would be the change and how can we rollback 
> these changes which was done by running the connector 
> wizard

You can manage the Metabase by using the Metabase editor to manually edit
it, or by simply backing up the Metabase before making any changes. You can
back up the Metabase from within the Internet Service Manager interface. The
Metabase editor comes with the IIS 4 Resource Kit and the Windows 2000
Resource Kit.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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2002-03-11 Thread Dave Watts
h CF
today, as well - I've done it with COM on the Windows platform, for example.
CF will let you talk to all kinds of stuff, and doesn't limit you to
building extensions in CFML or the CFXAPI. You can interact with COM, CORBA,
EJB and so on (although I haven't used the last two within a CF app,

> > On the other hand, there are some great arguments for 
> > sticking with CF, such as ease of maintenance and comparative 
> > labor costs.
> A well designed Jave Application is also easy to maintain. It 
> may take longer to develop then in CF, but there are advantages. 

"Easy to maintain" is a relative measurement. It may be easier than
something done in, let's say, Perl, but it's not likely to be as easy as CF.
It will take longer to develop, and maintenance will take longer as well.

> Java is an industry standard and therefore I could imagine 
> that a company willing to spend a million or two on an 
> Inter/Extra/Intranet project is more likly to choose the J2EE 
> platform.

Yes, I agree that Java has momentum in that respect. That's hardly an
argument that it's better, or more suitable for web applications. Given the
thrust of Neo, though, it'll be interesting to see how many people find it a
way to "choose the J2EE platform" without giving up the ease of use that CF

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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2002-03-08 Thread Dave Watts

> > What would you tell a ColdFusion user if s/he were to ask 
> > what advantages they could utilize by moving to a J2EE 
> > environment?
> platform and vendor independence, 

CF runs on Windows, Solaris, Linux and HP/UX now, and the next release will
probably run on everything that JRun runs on now.  You can only get it from
Macromedia, though, as you point out.

> speed,

I have seen no reason to believe that J2EE is inherently faster, yet.
> security, 

Huh? How is J2EE more secure?

> design patterns, 

Yes. CF is essentially batch programming - it's as far from OO as you can

> scalabilty. 

CF is plenty scalable, if done right, just like everything else.

So, total score: 1.5 out of 5.

Note that I do think there are other valid reasons for using a J2EE
environment over CF, in addition to vendor independence and more elegant
code, such as ease of integration with other server-side components. On the
other hand, there are some great arguments for sticking with CF, such as
ease of maintenance and comparative labor costs.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: problem configuring JRUN with IIS

2002-03-07 Thread Dave Watts

> I did note one thing in your email below. You state that 
> you want to separate the web server from the application 
> server for security reasons. JRUN is a web server, and we 
> have had no issues putting JRUN and IIS onto the same box.  
> Our firewall is BEFORE our box that contains the JRUN/IIS
> software, so I am confused as to what security issues you 
> think you are exposing yourself to by putting JRUN and IIS 
> together on the same box. As long are your IIS/JRUN server 
> is BEHIND your firewall, and you have a good firewall, then 
> I don't see that you gain anything security wise by putting
> JRUN on a separate box from IIS. But perhaps I am missing 
> something.

While I agree with you that this configuration probably is more trouble than
it's worth, there are valid security reasons for separating the application
server from the web server.

First of all, the use of a firewall between the outside world and the web
server doesn't automatically provide the necessary level of security. The
firewall has to let HTTP traffic reach the web server, but web servers can
be compromised by malformed HTTP requests - and those HTTP requests may be
perfectly valid requests from the firewall's perspective. If the web server
is compromised this way, and it also hosts the application, all kinds of bad
things can ensue.

All of this stuff is especially true for IIS, which by default is vulnerable
to all kinds of buffer overflow and directory traversal exploits. If you're
using IIS in a production environment, it's essential to learn how to
properly secure it. Fig Leaf Software offers a course on this topic, focused
on CF developers, called "Securing ColdFusion Servers for Windows", and in
the course, there are several demonstrations of IIS exploits that will pass
right through the firewall by default - as well as SQL injection attacks,
which pass through the firewall, web and application servers and attack the
database directly!

However, I'd recommend that you're better off securing your web/application
server than separating the two, in most cases, for performance reasons.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: Searching Resultset - my solution

2002-02-26 Thread Dave Watts

> I am using MS SQL Server and am using inner/outer 
> joins. The reason why I am looping through two resultsets 
> and not joining them, is: While I need one row for 
> each projectid from the first resultset, I need to get
> all the rows with the same project id from the second 
> resultset. When I do inner join, the resultset includes 
> the duplicate data.
> Then instead of having multiple duplicate rows in the HTML 
> table, with the same info except for few columns for each 
> project x, having two resulset allows me to populate the 
> first row with the first resulset row and then I am adding 
> columns for the additional info for each projectid x from 
> the second resultset.

You'll probably get significantly better performance by simply joining the
two tables, then filtering the output appropriately. You'll get duplicate
data from your "master" table; simply add conditional logic within your
output to skip that data.

In ColdFusion, you could do this very easily with the GROUP attribute of
CFOUTPUT. I'm not sure if there's something analogous in JSP or the JRun tag
libraries. If there isn't, you simply have to write a couple of lines within
your  tags (or whatever alternative output mechanism
you're using).

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: security alert, IIS and Jrun vulnerability and Macromedia Sit espring

2001-12-06 Thread Dave Watts

> I am researching Macromedia's new product, Sitespring, which 
> is based on the JRun Server. Would this vulnerability affect 
> it and any other applications that are sold based on the JRun 
> Server?

By default, when you use Sitespring, you're using the JRun Web Server as the
front end, rather than IIS. In that case, this vulnerability doesn't affect
SiteSpring. However, if you configure the JRun Web Connector so that
Sitespring uses IIS instead of JRun Web Server, then you'd be affected, I

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: IIS 4 dies, no memory leak: NT4SP6 + JRun 3.0

2001-10-24 Thread Dave Watts

> The behaviour is that IIS stops without warning after hours 
> or a few days. Task Manager shows no creep or spike in memory 
> usage; there are no useful entries in either the NT logs or 
> JRun's logs (which have had all the options turned on, to 
> catch as much as possible).
> ...
> ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0xe
> 10007314 50545448  48206e49 45707474 jrun!HttpFilterProc+0x814
> 5f4c4c41     0x50545448
> =
> The conclusion of the MS person was that "E:\InetPub\scripts\jrun.dll 
> is failing". (We don't know how to read the dump so can't agree 
> or disagree.)

I'm no expert on NT memory dumps, but I'm inclined to agree - the
"jrun!HttpFilterProc" is the JRun ISAPI filter.

> - There was a newer jrun.dll posted in thread:
Can I replace the existing jrun.dll (from JRun 3.0) with this newer
version, NOT upgrading JRun to 3.1?

You can certainly give it a try - just copy the existing version somewhere
else, stop the services, copy the new one over the old one, and restart the
services. If there are any JRun 3.0 service packs, you might try applying
them as well.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
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RE: Beginner Question?

2001-01-23 Thread Dave Watts

> When I run the connector Can I run both jsp and cfm files?  
> When I try to connect them it errors out.

Yes, if you're able to get the connector working successfully. I've had
problems with this occasionally.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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