A very simple question

2001-12-02 Thread Compulsive Obsessive

I have a very simple question.

I have a web application ready to be deployed on a
TomCat server. I want to generate a single "war" file
for deployment but want to save myself the effort of
editing "web.xml" file manually.

Q- Are there any tools (for free) which can generate a
"war" file (for Tomcat) for you?


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Re: A very simple question

2001-12-02 Thread I Wayan Saryada

use java "jar" command

jar cvf myweb.war *

the command above will create a war file which contains all the file on your
current working directory.


-Original Message-
From: Compulsive Obsessive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:48 PM
Subject: A very simple question

I have a very simple question.

I have a web application ready to be deployed on a
TomCat server. I want to generate a single "war" file
for deployment but want to save myself the effort of
editing "web.xml" file manually.

Q- Are there any tools (for free) which can generate a
"war" file (for Tomcat) for you?


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Session lost in IIS / Tomcat configuration.

2001-12-02 Thread HOOI Tak Keong, Henry

Hi all,

I would like to post a question to the community that I am hoping some of
you may have encountered and know the solution to.

Based on the project requirements, we have to use IIS as our Web Server and
Tomcat to run as a servlet container.
The problem I am facing is that the session can't seem to be maintained,
after moving from our login page to the second page.
At the moment, I used the url mapping feature to map all commands that end
with a (*.do) extension to the central Controller servlet. Based on the
command, e.g. (Login.do) for login page, the servlet will load the
corresponding jsp page, called A.jsp, which is actually a frame, that loads
other pages, B.jsp and C.jsp respectively. However, I have tested out and
found that the value of sessionId in the A.jsp file is always different than
the sessionId on B.jsp, indicating that request sent to the server are
somehow not being interpreted/and redirected to the servlet container
properly; and I also ensured that all cookies were allowed by the browser
while doing this test.

To fully ensure that sessionId returned by the Tomcat container is similar
to the one sent back via request, I decided to use url encoding,(via the
response.encodeURL() method) but found that IIS could not map the encoded
url with the values I had set in the uriworkermap.properties file.

The encoded url looked like below:

Below is a listing of the mappings for IIS-Tomcat defined in the
'uriworkermap.properties' file.


Hence, I was wondering if any of you knew anything that I may have
overlooked that could help solve this session problem I am facing.

The funny thing though, is that I created another 3 jsp pages, all linked to
one another(just to test if the issue was really a bad mapping), that did
not use any commands (*.do) extensions. That means, all I just did was pass
a parameter from A.jsp, which had link to B.jsp (in there I saved the
request parameter to the session and displayed it on page), and which had a
link to C.jsp, where I displayed the same value in the session again, and it
worked perfectlyindicating that a single session was used and maintained
throughout the navigation process. But, then this just drove me nuts because
if the .jsp extension can work how come not a *.do one?

Am I making any sense? Anyway, I would really appreciate it if any of you
may have any ideas or comments about my problem...
Thanks in advance.


The current setup of the system is:
Web Browser: IE 5.5 Sp1
Web server: IIS 5.0
Servlet Container: Tomcat 3.2.3

-Original Message-
From: Niraj Soni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Where are you JSP/SERVLET GURUS ???

this is because of ur using tomcat as a add-on-servlet engine with other
main web serve
if u r using iis put your images in iis root or in
uriworkers.properties file of your tomcat in /conf directory append follwing


this tells the isapi filter to serve all files request starting with /images
from tomcat

hope this hepls

- Original Message -
From: "sufi malak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 1:45 AM
Subject: Where are you JSP/SERVLET GURUS ???

> Hi, I posted the same question twice, and I am sure that the same problem
> happened to somone before,
> Why when a servlet forwarding a jsp does not see a directory (under the
> application) that has images, the structure is like this :
> tomcat4/webapps/myapp/images/
> tomcat4/webapps/myapp/tableview.jsp
> tomcat4/webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/classes/Myservlet.class
> Please help me
> Sufi
> _
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Re: Servlet & Mysql

2001-12-02 Thread Papo Napolitano

Thanks. now works fine!

- Original Message -
From: "I Wayan Saryada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: Servlet & Mysql

> Hi,
> To make sure that your database connection is closed
> add the finally block, so it would be like this:
> try {
> // your code here
> //
> // you close your db connection here
> rs.close();
> stmt.close();
> conn.close();
> } catch (Exception e) {
> } finally {
> // make sure it's closed
> if (rs != null) rs.close();
> if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
> if (conn != null) conn.close();
> }
> regards,
> Wayan
> -Original Message-
> From: Papo Napolitano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:55 AM
> Subject: Servlet & Mysql
> Hi!
> I've written the following Servlet to read an Image from a Mysql Database
> and send it to the browser.
> public class ImageServlet extends HttpServlet {
>  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse
> throws ServletException, IOException {
>   try {
> InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext();
> DataSource ds = (DataSource)jndiContext.lookup("java:/mySQLDS") ;
> Connection conn = ds.getConnection() ;
> Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
> ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT image from docs where idx=" +
> request.getParameter("idx"));
>if (rs.next()) {
>  response.setContentType("image/gif");
>  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
> out.println(rs.getString("file" + request.getParameter("idximg")));
> response.flushBuffer();
>ds = null ;
>   } catch(Exception e){
>  response.setContentType("text/html");
>  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
>  out.println("Error: "+e);
>   }
>  }
> }
> It works fine, but I've seen that it leaves mysql instances opened in my
> server... Any idea ???
> Cheers,
> Papo
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doubt regarding include files

2001-12-02 Thread Ramesh Kesavanarayanan

Hi all,

 i have a jsp which inlcudes label.jsp. But problem is
that this label jsp has so many labels both in english
and korean charcters. the client wants to see the
korean characters on the screen.
But whne i debugged the code there are so many string
variables being instantiated as many as 300+.
i know this is a very big resource consuming.
can anybody let me know whats the best practice(like
reosurce bundles)?


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Re: doubt regarding include files

2001-12-02 Thread Anthony Tagunov

Hello Ramesh!

Monday, December 03, 2001, 3:02:01 AM, you wrote:

RK>  i have a jsp which inlcudes label.jsp. But problem is
RK> that this label jsp has so many labels both in english
RK> and korean charcters. the client wants to see the
RK> korean characters on the screen.
RK> But whne i debugged the code there are so many string
RK> variables being instantiated as many as 300+.
RK> i know this is a very big resource consuming.

All these strings are compiled into the source of
the servlet that is being generated from your
.jsp page. All that you should be worried about
is that you do not a too long method jspService()
(or whatever it is). I do not thing you will.
Have you already hit the problem?
If not, try to double you page and see again.

Again, you get larger .java class, large .class,
but is it really resource consuming? I do not think

RK> can anybody let me know whats the best practice(like
RK> reosurce bundles)?

I beleive resource bundles would really be resource consuming!
And if you use for example i18n taglib from jakarta-taglibs
then the code generated will get _longer_!

So what i would advice is stay with static strings, that is
a fine approach!

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OT: Apache & Tomcat

2001-12-02 Thread S.Jyotinarayan

Hi all,
I would like help on a couple of things. I have 
Apache and Tomcat running on my system.
1) I want to configure the httpd.conf file of 
Apache such that my Servername is somethings like 'ifpintranet.org' instead of 
the computer name or its ip address. I want to do this on my intranet. I 
have not registered 'ifpintranet.org' anywhere. Is this possible?
2) I would like to configure Tomcat and Apache to 
run together and my Tomcat related applications to run on 'ifpintranet.org' 
instead of 'computername:8080'
How could I do this?
Thanks a lot in advance

How to pass some parameters to other excutable program and get th e return value back?

2001-12-02 Thread Jean Chiang(江淑君)
Title: How to pass some parameters to other excutable program and get the return value back?

How to pass some parameters to other excutable program written in other languages and to get the return value back?

i18n/servlets/jsp: tutorial/essay

2001-12-02 Thread Anthony Tagunov

Hello, community! :-)

I have spent quite a bit time solving two complementary
problems: outputting web pages in national
(cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese)characters/
reading form parameters with national characters with

I have also spent quite a bit time answering questions
about these tasks in several mailists - looks like
this sometimes becomes a quest for people.

So I have written a short tutorial/essay on this topic
that I would like now to present for your attention
and review.


I would really this to be the link I will easily send
people when I hear them ask again questions that I have
already answered a number of times various maillists, so
I modestly ask those of you who are interested in the
subject and/or have any experience in this field to comment
on it and correct my surely numerous and large mistakes :-)

BTW, i have developed one arguable idea in
this essay that i would very much like to discuss with
experts. It is about the fact that you can't dynamically
choose a charset in a jsp in a servlet-engine portable way..

This idea closely touches the question of how functional
any imagenable i18n taglib can be..

There are a couple places in this essay that i would eagerly
like to make more complete. To do this i need feedback, especially
from people who run servlet engines different from mine...

Having thought through my ideas well i would certainly like
now to share them with the community and possibly start some
discussion around it! :-)

And without any doubt, I invite everybody who is experiencing
problems with i18n/servlets/jsps to try to find some help
in this modest study.

Sincerely yours,
Anton Tagunov

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Re: Servlet & Mysql

2001-12-02 Thread EJB ForAll


Can you please tell me which application server you
are using to connect to the mysql databse.

And which mysql driver you are using to connect to the
mysql database.


--- Papo Napolitano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks. now works fine!
> Cheers,
> Papo
> - Original Message -
> From: "I Wayan Saryada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 1:49 AM
> Subject: Re: Servlet & Mysql
> > Hi,
> >
> > To make sure that your database connection is
> closed
> > add the finally block, so it would be like this:
> >
> > try {
> > // your code here
> > //
> >
> > // you close your db connection here
> > rs.close();
> > stmt.close();
> > conn.close();
> > } catch (Exception e) {
> >
> > } finally {
> > // make sure it's closed
> > if (rs != null) rs.close();
> > if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
> > if (conn != null) conn.close();
> > }
> >
> > regards,
> > Wayan
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Papo Napolitano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:55 AM
> > Subject: Servlet & Mysql
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > I've written the following Servlet to read an
> Image from a Mysql Database
> > and send it to the browser.
> >
> > public class ImageServlet extends HttpServlet {
> >  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest
> request,HttpServletResponse
> response)
> > throws ServletException, IOException {
> >   try {
> > InitialContext jndiContext = new
> InitialContext();
> > DataSource ds =
> (DataSource)jndiContext.lookup("java:/mySQLDS") ;
> > Connection conn = ds.getConnection() ;
> > Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
> > ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT image
> from docs where idx=" +
> > request.getParameter("idx"));
> >
> >if (rs.next()) {
> >  response.setContentType("image/gif");
> >  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
> > out.println(rs.getString("file" +
> request.getParameter("idximg")));
> > response.flushBuffer();
> >}
> >
> >rs.close();
> >stmt.close();
> >conn.close();
> >ds = null ;
> >
> >   } catch(Exception e){
> >  response.setContentType("text/html");
> >  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
> >  out.println("Error: "+e);
> >   }
> >  }
> > }
> >
> >
> > It works fine, but I've seen that it leaves mysql
> instances opened in my
> > server... Any idea ???
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Papo
> >
> >
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> > Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found
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> >
> >
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> > Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found
> at:
> >
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> >  http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/faq.html
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> >
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Re: Servlet & Mysql

2001-12-02 Thread Antoni Reus

You should always close Connection, Statements and Resultsets in a
finally { }

El 2001.12.01 22:55 Papo Napolitano ha escrit:
> Hi!
> I've written the following Servlet to read an Image from a Mysql Database
> and send it to the browser.
> public class ImageServlet extends HttpServlet {
>  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse
> response)
> throws ServletException, IOException {
>   try {
> InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext();
> DataSource ds = (DataSource)jndiContext.lookup("java:/mySQLDS") ;
> Connection conn = ds.getConnection() ;
> Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
> ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT image from docs where idx="
> +
> request.getParameter("idx"));
>if (rs.next()) {
>  response.setContentType("image/gif");
>  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
> out.println(rs.getString("file" + request.getParameter("idximg")));
> response.flushBuffer();
>ds = null ;
>   } catch(Exception e){
>  response.setContentType("text/html");
>  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
>  out.println("Error: "+e);
>   }
>  }
> }
> It works fine, but I've seen that it leaves mysql instances opened in my
> server... Any idea ???
> Cheers,
> Papo
> ===
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>  http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/faq.html
>  http://www.esperanto.org.nz/jsp/jspfaq.jsp
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>  http://www.jspinsider.com

-- Antoni Reus

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Re: Getting started

2001-12-02 Thread Mahesh Kumar Punjabi


-Original Message-
From: Guilherme Chapiewski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 12:39 AM
Subject: Getting started

Hi Javas!

I have kinda experience in developing web software but none in JSP.

I'd like your help, where can I find information and stuff to start
learning JSP?

Hope soon I can help you too!


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