hi -

    not really sure how craig found out about this push before i did ...
    oh well, i'm just glad it's finally out there. sorry about the delay.

    this release should take care of the "running on jdk1.1.x/windows
    throws a 404" problem several folks have bumped into.

    feel free to give it a whirl.

    hope this helps,

- james

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> As was promised on the JSP mailing list, an EA release of JSWDK 1.0
> finally made it to the JDC web site.  It's got updated reference
> implementations for:
>     JSP 1.0 (EA2)
>     Servlet API 2.1.1 (EA)
> It's on the  Java Developer Connection site (free registration
> required):
>     http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/earlyAccess/jsp/

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