Re: I want to change the http interface

2013-10-15 Thread David Britton
Mark, William, Dave --

I agree we should have a session in SFO ...Good timing and all.

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 4:58 AM, Mark Canonical Ramm-Christensen wrote:

 This seems like something we should discuss when we are together next week
 and also something we should make sure we get on the schedule for vUDS in

 On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 5:29 AM, William Reade wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 6:31 AM, David Cheney

 Thoughts ? And while we're at it, why isn't there a schema for
 interfaces as there is for the configuration of a provider ?

 There's no schema for interfaces because, in theory, we can trust
 distributed community consensus to keep everybody in honest agreement.
 That's worked surprisingly well so far, but I think it will become a
 liability at some point -- even today, it's hard to be *sure* what a given
 interface means without reading and/or running code [0]. We've already
 discussed and agreed in principle that the lack of a global registry of
 interface definitions is becoming more important by the day.

 It's clear that there are so many relations using the http interface
 out there that it's essentially impossible to *require* that new fields be
 added -- haproxy's reverseproxy relation will basically have to continue to
 work against host/port alone (but juju should absolutely start respecting
 limits [1] to avoid things going wrong). But it's also clear that we need
 to fulfil this use case.

 * I'm not keen on using requirer-service configuration to paper over the
 lack of expressivity in relations -- we've been stuck with it so far, but I
 don't think we want to entrench it.
  * I'm definitely not keen on creating a new interface to handle this
 situation -- if there's a compelling case for a super-http interface,
 then there's little reason for a charm author to implement http as
 well... except that their charm won't work with others that require plain
 old http. But I'd rather not encourage a profusion of almost-identical
 interfaces -- it's good for charms to be sticky, but it's unrealistic to
 expect that they all be, uh, multiply-sticky(?) -- I want authors to be
 able to provide *one* interface for a single purpose, lest the ecosystem
 become irreparably balkanised.
 * I think there is a case for allowing interfaces to be *extended* -- in
 which http still implies the minimal hostname/port, but charm authors
 have a path for setting and using vhost/proxy-path with confidence that it
 will actually work. I'm thinking of charms with metadata something like the

 name: haproxy
   reverseproxy: http
 interface: http
 limit: 0
 gets: [vhost, proxy-path]

 name: old-n-busted
   website: http

 name: new-hotness
 interface: http
 sets: [vhost, proxy-path] which:

 * http always implies get/set of hostname/port, as it does today
 * the old-n-busted charm still works with the original reverseproxy
 relation, and any charm that just requires http
 * the new-hotness charm works with the multi-reverseproxy relation
 * the new-hotness charm *also* still works with any charm that just
 requires http, because there'd be no obligation to get fields that the
 other side sets -- just to set fields that the other side gets.

 The most obvious problem is that `juju add-relation haproxy new-hotness`
 now fails because the relation spec is ambiguous -- you'd need `juju
 add-relation haproxy:multi-reverseproxy new-hotness` -- but I think that's
 relatively painless for the average user, in that the GUI is in a
 position to pick sensible defaults in the case of ambiguity (when multiple
 relations over the same interface are possible, default to the more
 sophisticated one?).

 There may well be other problems -- for example, the ability to *set*
 good values for vhost/proxy-path will themselves demand configuration
 settings in the new-hotness charm, and while this is a clear improvement
 over needing to set them in the requirer's service configuration it's still
 not perfect, because there's no way to prevent a user from creating a
 relation that requires them. This feels like a specific case of a more
 general problem -- that the simplicity of the metadata format prevents us
 from expressing cross-cutting restrictions (eg it makes no sense to relate
 certain apps to multiple db services, even though the metadata might imply
 that both postgres and mysql are required) -- that we can only really
 currently address in individual charms.

 But I bet there are more rough edges that should be knocked off, and
 maybe problems I just can't see. Thoughts?




 [1] There are also other problems with this charm, but I will save
 them for later 

Re: I want to change the http interface

2013-10-15 Thread David Cheney
 There's no schema for interfaces because, in theory, we can trust
 distributed community consensus to keep everybody in honest agreement.
 That's worked surprisingly well so far, but I think it will become a
 liability at some point -- even today,

I have to disagree with you there. The promise of the relation, the
promise that we tell users in charm schools and training is that if
you charm provides an interface, say http, then it can be connected
to anything that requires a http interface. As I have shown, that
promise has been broken.

 it's hard to be *sure* what a given
 interface means without reading and/or running code [0]. We've already
 discussed and agreed in principle that the lack of a global registry of
 interface definitions is becoming more important by the day.

 It's clear that there are so many relations using the http interface out
 there that it's essentially impossible to *require* that new fields be added
 -- haproxy's reverseproxy relation will basically have to continue to work
 against host/port alone (but juju should absolutely start respecting limits
 [1] to avoid things going wrong). But it's also clear that we need to fulfil
 this use case.

Here is my beef, the HAProxy charm says it requires the 'http'
relation, but actually it requires something completely different.
That thing doesn't have a name, but it certainly doesn't confirm to
the informal expectation of what Wordpress provides, or what Juju-GUI
provides, or what phpadmin provides, to name three examples at random,
when they provide the http relation.

 * I'm not keen on using requirer-service configuration to paper over the
 lack of expressivity in relations -- we've been stuck with it so far, but I
 don't think we want to entrench it.
 * I'm definitely not keen on creating a new interface to handle this
 situation -- if there's a compelling case for a super-http interface, then
 there's little reason for a charm author to implement http as well...
 except that their charm won't work with others that require plain old
 http. But I'd rather not encourage a profusion of almost-identical
 interfaces -- it's good for charms to be sticky, but it's unrealistic to
 expect that they all be, uh, multiply-sticky(?) -- I want authors to be able
 to provide *one* interface for a single purpose, lest the ecosystem become
 irreparably balkanised.
 * I think there is a case for allowing interfaces to be *extended* -- in
 which http still implies the minimal hostname/port, but charm authors have
 a path for setting and using vhost/proxy-path with confidence that it will
 actually work. I'm thinking of charms with metadata something like the

What does extending an interface mean if implementing an interface
means you can execute zero calls to relation-set ?

 name: haproxy
   reverseproxy: http
 interface: http
 limit: 0
 gets: [vhost, proxy-path]

 name: old-n-busted
   website: http

 name: new-hotness
 interface: http
 sets: [vhost, proxy-path] which:

 * http always implies get/set of hostname/port, as it does today
 * the old-n-busted charm still works with the original reverseproxy
 relation, and any charm that just requires http
 * the new-hotness charm works with the multi-reverseproxy relation
 * the new-hotness charm *also* still works with any charm that just requires
 http, because there'd be no obligation to get fields that the other side
 sets -- just to set fields that the other side gets.

 The most obvious problem is that `juju add-relation haproxy new-hotness` now
 fails because the relation spec is ambiguous -- you'd need `juju
 add-relation haproxy:multi-reverseproxy new-hotness` -- but I think that's
 relatively painless for the average user, in that the GUI is in a position
 to pick sensible defaults in the case of ambiguity (when multiple relations
 over the same interface are possible, default to the more sophisticated

This is my complaint with the second option I proposed, it breaks the
promise that we make to our users. If wordpress, or the gui provides
the 'http' relation, it is no longer sufficient for charms that want
to act as proxies, because they required more than the traditional two
fields those charms relation-set. So the promise then becomes, if you
want your charm to be proxyable, you have to implement a second
relation. And similarly products like HAProxy can only proxy charms
that advertise themselves as such via this second provides relation.

 There may well be other problems -- for example, the ability to *set* good
 values for vhost/proxy-path will themselves demand configuration settings in
 the new-hotness charm, and while this is a clear improvement over needing to
 set them in the requirer's service configuration it's still not perfect,
 because there's no way to prevent a user from creating a relation that
 requires them. This feels like a specific case of a more