Need Juju on cloudstack!

2014-03-20 Thread franck.dehay

We have been following juju over the last few months @Orange with intense 
interest and would like to be able to use it.
We just love the service approach that juju offers compared to other tools (we 
use Chef right now)
Our problem is that we have a cloud based on CloudStack and we cannot use 

What we would like is to be able to use the EC2 compatible API that CloudStack 
Currently I don't think juju can be tweaked to choose another endpoint than AWS.
I did open a bug report last may on the matter: (3rd hit if you google juju 

Bug #1182508 - juju cannot connect to cloudstack (non-ec2 ec2 cloud)

Would it be possible to have an idea of when this bug/feature request might be 
I can understand that given the amount of work you have done this may seem 
Please excuse me if this is not the place to ask for this kind of question.

Best regards

Franck Dehay


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Odd ec2 behavior - volumes attached to bootstrap node.

2014-03-20 Thread David Britton
Is this expected?  Notice one of my volumes is attached after the bootstrap
node comes up.  The ec2-tools and aws dashboard show the same thing.

I've never seen this behavior before (I haven't looked that much), but I'm
having trouble finding anything other than the -b option to ec2-run-instances
that would expose anything like this.

dpb@helo:~$ euca-describe-volumes
VOLUME  vol-d59280d71   us-west-2a  available   
TAG volume  vol-d59280d7volume_name nfs/0 volume
VOLUME  vol-0a3735049   us-west-2b  available   
TAG volume  vol-0a373504volume_name postgresql/0 volume

dpb@helo:~$ juju bootstrap; juju status -v
verbose is deprecated with the current meaning, use show-log
2014-03-20 21:06:32 INFO juju.provider.ec2 ec2.go:193 opening environment 
2014-03-20 21:06:54 INFO juju.state open.go:68 opening state; mongo addresses: 
[]; entity 
2014-03-20 21:10:04 INFO juju.state open.go:106 connection established
2014-03-20 21:10:04 INFO juju conn.go:66 juju: authorization error while 
connecting to state server; retrying
2014-03-20 21:10:04 INFO juju.state open.go:68 opening state; mongo addresses: 
[]; entity 
2014-03-20 21:10:05 INFO juju.state open.go:106 connection established
environment: dpb-aws-us-west-2
agent-state: pending
instance-id: i-7bae4d73
instance-state: running
series: precise
hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740M root-disk=8192M
services: {}
2014-03-20 21:10:07 INFO juju supercommand.go:286 command finished

dpb@helo:~$ euca-describe-volumes
VOLUME  vol-d59280d71   us-west-2a  available   
TAG volume  vol-d59280d7volume_name nfs/0 volume
VOLUME  vol-2a1cf92f8   snap-00d68df1   us-west-2a  in-use  
ATTACHMENT  vol-2a1cf92fi-7bae4d73  /dev/sda1   attached
VOLUME  vol-0a3735049   us-west-2b  available   
TAG volume  vol-0a373504volume_name postgresql/0 volume

David Britton

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Re: Help with arcitecture Part1

2014-03-20 Thread John Meinel
I would actually just use MaaS + LXC or KVM virtualization.
You should be able to bring up a MaaS environment, and then do:

juju deploy NEWSERVICE --to lxc:10

And Juju will create a new LXC container on machine 10 and deploy the

That gives you all the give me baremetal when I want it, and it
gives you container separation as well.

(You should also be able to do juju deploy foo --to kvm:12 for times
when you have a Charm that needs direct device access.)


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Brian Wawok wrote:
 I was chatting with some awesome people in #juju, but having trouble
 deciding what to do. I was hoping that people with more juju experience
 could tell me the right way to go for what I want to do, or if juju is just
 a horrible idea in general and I should do something else.

 I have spent a few days playing Juju charms. They seem cool. I think I can
 use some of the existing juju charms in the store, and convert the rest of
 my custom apps to juju charms without a lot of work. The question is, how do
 I want to structure things in terms of manual vs openstack vs 

 Here is what I have:

 Currently own all servers apps run on. Nothing in the cloud, basically want
 a virtual private cloud. Say 100 servers I want to deploy 300 apps to.
 Random facts about the setup:
 * 10 of these servers I want to run bare metal, i.e. 1 juju charm right on
 the server.
 * 90 of the servers I want to run a bunch of juju charms on them.
 * I am leaning towards LXC as a way to separate charms because it seems to
 work well, but it is also possible to just shove the apps right on the
 server. LXC would just make it a little cleaner by providing some
 environment separation, but it would not bury me under having to preallocate
 memory and such as I would with OpenVZ or such.
 * I always know exactly what I want to host where. So with the --to command,
 i will say where an app should run. I don't need any magic in that way.
 * I do not need any of the spin up more VMs when busy, spin down when slow
 type magic. Happy to just run the VMs I need for peak load.
 * I would like to buy a new server, plug it in, and have it available to
 deploy apps to with no manual work.

 So any ideas on ways to go?  It seems like MAAS is good, it gets servers
 installed. Works well for my 10 apps that go right on metal. What about my
 other 290 apps? I could
 * Deploy multiple charms right to the server, forcing it with --to  (seems
 easiest, but then I lose the nice separation LXC gives)
 * Deploy an openstack charm to the 90 VM hosts, and then use juju to deploy
 to it. That means I need 2 juju envionments (MAAS and openstack), and
 openstack seems way too complicated for what I need. Do not need 90 GUIs to
 manage, with 20 charm bundles.
 * Do manual provisioning, and set up the LXC myself. Which may not be too
 bad, but I have never done LXC by hand. And is there a downside to doing a
 manual provisioning environment on top of a MAAS server?

 Really, I just like how juju local works a lot. i want to expand that magic
 to both new hardware from scratch, and to installing to many VMs.


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Juju 1.17.6 is released.

2014-03-20 Thread Curtis Hovey-Canonical
juju-core 1.17.6

A new development release of Juju, juju-core 1.17.6, is now available.

Getting Juju

juju-core 1.17.6 is available for trusty and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:

Upgrading from stable releases to development releases is not
supported. You can upgrade test environments to development releases
to test new features and fixes, but it is not advised to upgrade
production environments to 1.17.6.

If you are using a development release of juju-core, and find you need
to go back to a stable release, you can find it in the juju stable PPA:

If you have multiple sources of juju-core, you can select the version
you want using apt:
sudo apt-get install juju-core=1.16.6*

New and Notable

* Juju now supports juju-mongodb, a mongodb tuned for juju’s needs

* Juju now has support for proxies

* Juju local provider can use clone for faster LXC

Resolved issues

* Juju uses tools for the wrong architecture when unable to find correct
  Lp 1227722

* Call to relation-get failing with 'permission denied'
  Lp 1239681

* Network interface br0 not brought up by cloud-init script with
  MAAS provider
  Lp 1271144

* Juju bootstrap --upload-tools does not honor the arch of the machine
  being created
  Lp 1282869

* Filesystem mount from lxc template causes filesystem permission
  Lp 1293549

* Juju userdata should not restart networking
  Lp 1248283

* Juju deploy -n 15 gets rate limited in EC2
  Lp 1277397

* Juju bootstrap does not select tools with respect to constraints
  Lp 1282870

* Juju 1.17.5 tries to execute non-existent hooks

Juju now supports juju-mongodb, a mongodb tuned for juju’s needs

The Juju state-server (bootstrap node) prefers juju-mongodb and it will
use it when it is available. The package is available in Ubuntu Trusty,
the new db will be used when a Trusty environment is bootstrapped.

The juju-local package on Trusty will include juju-mongodb when
mongodb-server is not already installed. Upgrades of the juju-local
package will continue to use mongodb-server to preserve continuity with
existing local environments. Trusty users can install juju-mongodb to
bootstrap new lxc and kvm environments with it.

Juju now has support for proxies

Proxies can now be configured for the providers in the environments.yaml
file, or added to an existing environment using ‘juju set-env’

The configuration values are:
http-proxy, https-proxy, ftp-proxy, no-proxy
The values that are set for these proxies are exported in all hook
execution contexts, and also available in the shell through ‘juju ssh’
or ‘juju run’.

There are three additional proxy values specific for apt:
apt-http-proxy, apt-https-proxy, apt-ftp-proxy
These are set to be the same as the non-apt proxy values, but can be
overridden independently. For example, having squid-deb-proxy running
on a laptop, you can specify the apt-http-proxy to use it for the
containers by doing:
The IP address here is the address on the host machine’s network-bridge
as seen from the machines on the bridge.

Note: there is a known limitation here (bug 1295372), once you have set
a value, there is no way to remove it.

Juju local provider can use clone for faster LXC

The local provider gains the ability to use lxc-clone to create the
containers used as machines. This ability is controlled through a
configuration value on the provider:
This value defaults to ‘true’ for Trusty and above, and ‘false’ before
that. You can try to use lxc-clone on earlier releases, but it is not a
supported value. It may well work.

The local provider is btrfs aware. If your LXC directory is on a btrfs
filesystem, the clones use snapshots and are much faster to create and
take up much less space. There is also support for using aufs as a
backing-store for the LXC clones, but there are some situations where
aufs doesn’t entirely behave as intuitively as one might expect, so this
must be turned on explicitly.
lxc-clone-aufs: true

When using clone, the first machine to be created will create a
‘template’ machine that is used as the basis for the clones. This will
be called ‘juju-series-template’, so for a precise image, the name is
‘juju-precise-template’. You should not modify or start this image
while a local provider environment is running, as you cannot clone a
running lxc machine. Some work is in progress, to be delivered as a
plugin, that will provide additional functionality to create these
template images independently of an environment, and helper functions to
keep it up to date (i.e. running apt-get update/upgrade inside the


We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

Re: Juju 1.17.6 is released.

2014-03-20 Thread John Meinel
Fantastic! Looks like is also nice and updated.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 5:03 AM, Curtis Hovey-Canonical wrote:
 juju-core 1.17.6

 A new development release of Juju, juju-core 1.17.6, is now available.

 Getting Juju

 juju-core 1.17.6 is available for trusty and backported to earlier
 series in the following PPA:

 Upgrading from stable releases to development releases is not
 supported. You can upgrade test environments to development releases
 to test new features and fixes, but it is not advised to upgrade
 production environments to 1.17.6.

 If you are using a development release of juju-core, and find you need
 to go back to a stable release, you can find it in the juju stable PPA:

 If you have multiple sources of juju-core, you can select the version
 you want using apt:
 sudo apt-get install juju-core=1.16.6*

 New and Notable

 * Juju now supports juju-mongodb, a mongodb tuned for juju’s needs

 * Juju now has support for proxies

 * Juju local provider can use clone for faster LXC

 Resolved issues

 * Juju uses tools for the wrong architecture when unable to find correct
   Lp 1227722

 * Call to relation-get failing with 'permission denied'
   Lp 1239681

 * Network interface br0 not brought up by cloud-init script with
   MAAS provider
   Lp 1271144

 * Juju bootstrap --upload-tools does not honor the arch of the machine
   being created
   Lp 1282869

 * Filesystem mount from lxc template causes filesystem permission
   Lp 1293549

 * Juju userdata should not restart networking
   Lp 1248283

 * Juju deploy -n 15 gets rate limited in EC2
   Lp 1277397

 * Juju bootstrap does not select tools with respect to constraints
   Lp 1282870

 * Juju 1.17.5 tries to execute non-existent hooks

 Juju now supports juju-mongodb, a mongodb tuned for juju’s needs

 The Juju state-server (bootstrap node) prefers juju-mongodb and it will
 use it when it is available. The package is available in Ubuntu Trusty,
 the new db will be used when a Trusty environment is bootstrapped.

 The juju-local package on Trusty will include juju-mongodb when
 mongodb-server is not already installed. Upgrades of the juju-local
 package will continue to use mongodb-server to preserve continuity with
 existing local environments. Trusty users can install juju-mongodb to
 bootstrap new lxc and kvm environments with it.

 Juju now has support for proxies

 Proxies can now be configured for the providers in the environments.yaml
 file, or added to an existing environment using ‘juju set-env’

 The configuration values are:
 http-proxy, https-proxy, ftp-proxy, no-proxy
 The values that are set for these proxies are exported in all hook
 execution contexts, and also available in the shell through ‘juju ssh’
 or ‘juju run’.

 There are three additional proxy values specific for apt:
 apt-http-proxy, apt-https-proxy, apt-ftp-proxy
 These are set to be the same as the non-apt proxy values, but can be
 overridden independently. For example, having squid-deb-proxy running
 on a laptop, you can specify the apt-http-proxy to use it for the
 containers by doing:
 The IP address here is the address on the host machine’s network-bridge
 as seen from the machines on the bridge.

 Note: there is a known limitation here (bug 1295372), once you have set
 a value, there is no way to remove it.

 Juju local provider can use clone for faster LXC

 The local provider gains the ability to use lxc-clone to create the
 containers used as machines. This ability is controlled through a
 configuration value on the provider:
 This value defaults to ‘true’ for Trusty and above, and ‘false’ before
 that. You can try to use lxc-clone on earlier releases, but it is not a
 supported value. It may well work.

 The local provider is btrfs aware. If your LXC directory is on a btrfs
 filesystem, the clones use snapshots and are much faster to create and
 take up much less space. There is also support for using aufs as a
 backing-store for the LXC clones, but there are some situations where
 aufs doesn’t entirely behave as intuitively as one might expect, so this
 must be turned on explicitly.
 lxc-clone-aufs: true

 When using clone, the first machine to be created will create a
 ‘template’ machine that is used as the basis for the clones. This will
 be called ‘juju-series-template’, so for a precise image, the name is
 ‘juju-precise-template’. You should not modify or start this image
 while a local provider environment is running, as you cannot clone a
 running lxc machine. Some work is in progress, to be delivered as a
 plugin, that will provide additional functionality to create these
 template images independently of an environment, and helper functions to
 keep it up to date (i.e. running apt-get