Re: default network space

2017-10-12 Thread Ian Booth
I'd like to understand the use case you have in mind a little better. The
premise of the network-get output is that charms should not think about public
vs private addresses in terms of what to put into relation data - the other
remote unit should not be exposed to things in those terms.

There's some doc here to explain things in more detail

The TL;DR: is that charms need to care about:
- what address do I bind to (listen on)
- what address do external actors use to connect to me (ingress)

Depending on how the charm has been deployed, and more specifically whether it
is in a cross model relation, the ingress address might be either the public or
private address. Juju will decide based on a number of factors (whether models
are deployed to same region, vpc, other provider specific aspects) and populate
the network-get data accordingly. NOTE: for now Juju will always pick the public
address (if there is one) for the ingress value for cross model relations - the
algorithm to short circuit to a cloud local address is not yet finished.

The content of the bind-addresses block is space aware in that these are
filtered based on the space with which the specified endpoint is associated. The
network-get output though should not include any space information explicitly -
this is a concern which a charm should not care about.

On 12/10/17 13:35, James Beedy wrote:
> Hello all,
> In case you haven't noticed, we now have a network_get() function available
> in charmhelpers.core.hookenv (in master, not stable).
> Just wanted to have a little discussion about how we are going to be
> parsing network_get().
> I first want to address the output of network_get() for an instance
> deployed to the default vpc, no spaces constraint, and related to another
> instance in another model also default vpc, no spaces constraint.
> {'ingress-addresses': [''], 'bind-addresses': [{'addresses':
> [{'cidr': '', 'address': ''}], 'interfacename':
> 'eth0', 'macaddress': '12:ba:53:58:9c:52'}, {'addresses': [{'cidr': '
>', 'address': ''}], 'interfacename': 'fan-252',
> 'macaddress': '1e:a2:1e:96:ec:a2'}]}
> The use case I have in mind here is such that I want to provide the private
> network interface address via relation data in the of my
> interface to the relating appliication.
> This will be able to happen by calling
> hookenv.network_get('') in the layer that provides the
> interface in my charm, and passing the output to get the private interface
> ip data, to then set that in the provides side of the relation.
> Tracking?
> The problem:
> The problem is such that its not so straight forward to just get the
> private address from the output of network_get().
> As you can see above, I could filter for network interface name, but thats
> about the least best way one could go about this.
> Initially, I assumed the network_get() output would look different if you
> had specified a spaces constraint when deploying your application, but the
> output was similar to no spaces, e.g. spaces aren't listed in the output of
> network_get().
> All in all, what I'm after is a consistent way to grep either the space an
> interface is bound to, or to get the public vs private address from the
> output of network_get(), I think this is true for every provider just about
> (ones that use spaces at least).
> Instead of the dict above, I was thinking we might namespace the interfaces
> inside of what type of interface they are to make it easier to decipher
> when parsing the network_get().
> My idea is a schema like the following:
> {
> 'private-networks': {
> 'my-admin-space': {
> 'addresses': [
> {
> 'cidr': '',
> 'address': ''
> }
> ],
> 'interfacename': 'eth0',
> 'macaddress': '12:ba:53:58:9c:52'
> }
> 'public-networks': {
> 'default': {
> 'addresses': [
> {
> 'cidr': 'publicipaddress/32',
> 'address': 'publicipaddress'
> }
> ],
> }
> 'fan-networks': {
> 'fan-252': {
> }
> }
> Where all interfaces bound to spaces are considered private addresses, and
> with the assumption that if you don't specify a space constraint, your
> private network interface is bound to the "default" space.
> The key thing here is the schema structure grouping the interfaces bound to
> spaces inside a private-networks level in the dict, and the introduction of
> the fact that if you don't specify a space, you get an address bound to an
> artificial "default" space.
> I feel this would make things easier to consume, and interface to from a
> developer standpoint.
> Is this making sense? How do others feel?

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Re: default network space

2017-10-12 Thread Ian Booth
Copying in the Juju list also

On 12/10/17 22:18, Ian Booth wrote:
> I'd like to understand the use case you have in mind a little better. The
> premise of the network-get output is that charms should not think about public
> vs private addresses in terms of what to put into relation data - the other
> remote unit should not be exposed to things in those terms.
> There's some doc here to explain things in more detail
> The TL;DR: is that charms need to care about:
> - what address do I bind to (listen on)
> - what address do external actors use to connect to me (ingress)
> Depending on how the charm has been deployed, and more specifically whether it
> is in a cross model relation, the ingress address might be either the public 
> or
> private address. Juju will decide based on a number of factors (whether models
> are deployed to same region, vpc, other provider specific aspects) and 
> populate
> the network-get data accordingly. NOTE: for now Juju will always pick the 
> public
> address (if there is one) for the ingress value for cross model relations - 
> the
> algorithm to short circuit to a cloud local address is not yet finished.
> The content of the bind-addresses block is space aware in that these are
> filtered based on the space with which the specified endpoint is associated. 
> The
> network-get output though should not include any space information explicitly 
> -
> this is a concern which a charm should not care about.
> On 12/10/17 13:35, James Beedy wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> In case you haven't noticed, we now have a network_get() function available
>> in charmhelpers.core.hookenv (in master, not stable).
>> Just wanted to have a little discussion about how we are going to be
>> parsing network_get().
>> I first want to address the output of network_get() for an instance
>> deployed to the default vpc, no spaces constraint, and related to another
>> instance in another model also default vpc, no spaces constraint.
>> {'ingress-addresses': [''], 'bind-addresses': [{'addresses':
>> [{'cidr': '', 'address': ''}], 'interfacename':
>> 'eth0', 'macaddress': '12:ba:53:58:9c:52'}, {'addresses': [{'cidr': '
>>', 'address': ''}], 'interfacename': 'fan-252',
>> 'macaddress': '1e:a2:1e:96:ec:a2'}]}
>> The use case I have in mind here is such that I want to provide the private
>> network interface address via relation data in the of my
>> interface to the relating appliication.
>> This will be able to happen by calling
>> hookenv.network_get('') in the layer that provides the
>> interface in my charm, and passing the output to get the private interface
>> ip data, to then set that in the provides side of the relation.
>> Tracking?
>> The problem:
>> The problem is such that its not so straight forward to just get the
>> private address from the output of network_get().
>> As you can see above, I could filter for network interface name, but thats
>> about the least best way one could go about this.
>> Initially, I assumed the network_get() output would look different if you
>> had specified a spaces constraint when deploying your application, but the
>> output was similar to no spaces, e.g. spaces aren't listed in the output of
>> network_get().
>> All in all, what I'm after is a consistent way to grep either the space an
>> interface is bound to, or to get the public vs private address from the
>> output of network_get(), I think this is true for every provider just about
>> (ones that use spaces at least).
>> Instead of the dict above, I was thinking we might namespace the interfaces
>> inside of what type of interface they are to make it easier to decipher
>> when parsing the network_get().
>> My idea is a schema like the following:
>> {
>> 'private-networks': {
>> 'my-admin-space': {
>> 'addresses': [
>> {
>> 'cidr': '',
>> 'address': ''
>> }
>> ],
>> 'interfacename': 'eth0',
>> 'macaddress': '12:ba:53:58:9c:52'
>> }
>> 'public-networks': {
>> 'default': {
>> 'addresses': [
>> {
>> 'cidr': 'publicipaddress/32',
>> 'address': 'publicipaddress'
>> }
>> ],
>> }
>> 'fan-networks': {
>> 'fan-252': {
>> }
>> }
>> Where all interfaces bound to spaces are considered private addresses, and
>> with the assumption that if you don't specify a space constraint, your
>> private network interface is bound to the "default" space.
>> The key thing here is the schema structure grouping the interfaces bound to
>> spaces inside a private-networks level in the dict, and the introduction of
>> the fact that if you don't specify a space, you get an address bound to an
>> artificial "default" space.
>> I feel this would make things easier to consume, and interface to from a
>> developer standpoint.
>> Is this making sense? How do