Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-30 Thread roger peppe
On 29 May 2014 21:48, William Reade wrote:
 Masking is often necessary, and information hiding is valuable, and
 depending on spooky action at a distance is generally foolish. But the
 granularity with which we want to track the propagation of a given error is
 *much* finer than the granularity of judicious information hiding: the error
 is likely to pass through a lot more stack frames than it is package
 boundaries, and the former transitions are the ones we need to track to
 properly diagnose errors [0], while the latter are the ones we need to mask
 to properly maintain global sanity [1].

Isn't it better to maintain sanity in this respect at
a function/method level? It is very common to move functions between
packages, and having structures that maintain correctness when
doing this is very useful.

I would argue that by maintaining and documenting error types
at a function level, we make intra-package refactoring easier too.
It's a simple rule: document and notate the kinds of errors that may
be returned by a given function. If it's not documented, don't rely on it.

Package boundaries are fluid over time - functions get exported and unexported
and moved between packages. If we have a firm convention that *all*
functions document and notate their possible error types (some may
of course document that the possible error types are open-ended
and depend on some component that's a parameter), then
we'll have a better and more maintainable system. See below
for an example.

 To mask by default, at every annotation point, leads quickly to code whose
 action is characterised by bizarre and mystifying errors [2].

I don't get this at all. Bizarre and mystifying errors are, in my experience,
caused by errors that are not sufficiently annotated, not errors without
a diagnosable cause. Masking by default has no impact on the former;
it changes only the latter.

 To *fail* to
 mask at sensible boundaries also leads to bugs, and we've seen one or two of
 those as well; the trouble is that masking is *always easy*, while pure
 annotation is (relatively) hard.

On the contrary, if everyone now uses errors.Annotate, masking is harder
because that preserves the cause by default. To mask the cause, you'd have to
explicitly do:

return errors.Wrap(errors.Annotate(err, annotation), nil)

This is not only considerably more verbose - it adds another
unnecessary level to the error stack.


I'll try to illustrate the points I am trying to make more concretely
by referring to the juju-core source.

For example, see this line of code at

existingMetadata, _, err := Fetch(
simplestreams.DefaultIndexPath, imageConstraint, false)
 if err != nil  !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
   return nil, err

If the condition is triggered, the code falls back to existing metadata.
The question is: under what circumstances will the condition
be triggered - is this code actually correct?

The only way to find out is to exhaustively inspect the code paths reachable
from the Fetch call, truncating the search at any return that obviously
cannot return a NotFound error.

I did that. Here's a summary of what I found:

As far as I can see, the circumstances in which this condition can be triggered
a) if a DataSource.Fetch call fails for any reason.
b) if simplestreams.IndexReference.GetProductsPath returns NotFound.

These both seem somewhat reasonable (although I'm reasonably sure
that a network failure should not trigger the not found behaviour).

But from readMetadata to GetProductsPath are 5 levels of call stack,
4 of which are exported functions, *none of which document or test
any of their error return possibilities*.


If any of those intermediate functions are unwittingly changed to mask
the NotFoundError or to call a function that may return a NotFoundError,
our code will be broken.

Note that the only reason it was actually feasible to do this analysis
*at all* was because there are many places where the underlying error was
masked, enabling me to truncate the search. With pervasive non-masking
of errors, as suggested, this will no longer be true. The juju/errors changes
will actually make things worse (from a logic-verifiability point of view)
than the current situation.

If someone changes simplestreams.SeriesVersion to return a NotFoundError
when the series is not found (a superficially reasonable change) it will

Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-30 Thread roger peppe
On 29 May 2014 20:00, Jeroen Vermeulen wrote:
 On 2014-05-29 09:50, roger peppe wrote:

 On 29 May 2014 04:03, Tim Penhey wrote:

 Errors are worth treating specially here because they're
 they pass up through multiple layers, so it's very easy to break
 boundaries by relying on specific error types. I believe it's very
 to *think* about the possible errors that can be returned from a given
 function, and not just throw up our hands and say you guys 5 layers down,
 why don't you just communicate *arbitrary stuff* to the guy 3 layers

 It may help to consider this as two problems.

 One: caller needs to know about a specific failure — e.g. because it's a
 failure to the callee but not to the caller.  Definitely part of the
 contract.  You either:

 (a) define a super-specific error (exception class, error code, etc.), or

 (b) document that standard error X means failure Y in this case, and the
 caller picks up the error as close as possible to its origin.

 With these errors you have to make sure that the information isn't diluted
 as it propagates, but usually you don't have to take it too far up the call

This is the kind of error I have been thinking about.

 Two: a caller can deal better with some errors, given more detailed
 information.  You can help by attaching more information to the error (tags,
 taxonomy, properties) but only on a best-effort basis.  You accept that you
 don't know exactly which errors can come out of the code further down.

This, on the other hand is interesting, and something I have not
really considered. Thanks for bringing it up. I haven't written code like this,
and I'm not aware of any in the juju-core code base.

Have you got any real-world examples you could point to?

FWIW, this approach is still possible even when error types are
masked by default - all the error stack information is still exposed,
even though convention would suggest that it should not be
looked at, just as it's a useful convention that we should not
base program behaviour on the string contents of error messages.


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-30 Thread Jeroen Vermeulen

On 2014-05-30 15:08, roger peppe wrote:

Two: a caller can deal better with some errors, given more detailed
information.  You can help by attaching more information to the error (tags,
taxonomy, properties) but only on a best-effort basis.  You accept that you
don't know exactly which errors can come out of the code further down.

This, on the other hand is interesting, and something I have not
really considered. Thanks for bringing it up. I haven't written code like this,
and I'm not aware of any in the juju-core code base.

Have you got any real-world examples you could point to?

Usually it's mundane stuff.  I'm sure you're familiar with this and I 
just described in a way that made it harder to recognise!

Think of things like:

 * A broken-connection error can emerge from any of a number of places 
below this function call, but you've got a good way of handling them 
right after you come out of the call.  If you can't recognise the error 
for whatever reason, oh well, the user experience degrades a bit but you 
handle it as a generic program failure.

 * An IMAP client library annotates some kinds of errors with details 
about the command that failed.  It can't decide for you that you'll want 
those details in the error message, but you may still want to log them 
elsewhere.  You don't need that on a DNS lookup error, for example, so 
for that type of error you don't much care if you log the details or 
not.  It won't bother you if the library returns a different kind of 
error than before in some situations.

 * In some error situations a failed database transaction can be 
retried, and may well succeed next time.  This can save you a transient 
failure.  Of course it can be difficult to tell whether it's safe to do 
so.  Some types of database errors can say retrying is safe as far as 
I'm concerned, but you default to failure.

 * You've been writing a file that could get quite large.  If you fail 
before you're done, you want to keep the data you have.  But if the 
error was disk full, you prefer to clean up the output as a kindness 
to the user.

 * My systems management library calls a library called CoolApt to run 
the equivalent of apt-get update.  Your application uses my library.  It 
knows about the CoolApt can't acquire packages lock error and does a 
bit of investigating to provide a better explanation to the user.  When 
version 2.0 of my library replaces CoolApt with HotApt, you obviously 
want to upgrade.  The error is different, so this feature is temporarily 
broken — but you may find that acceptable.

These are all quality of service distinctions.  The effort of a more 
specific error is appreciated, but you can accept a certain amount of 


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-29 Thread roger peppe
On 29 May 2014 04:03, Tim Penhey wrote:
 On 29/05/14 01:11, roger peppe wrote:
 Writing code to explicitly declare function return types is also
 a perpetual drag on refactoring, but it's also incredibly useful.

 The set of possible returned errors *should* be part of the contract
 of a function, otherwise how could you know that a given error might
 be returned?

 This theory has also been applied to both Java and C++ in the past with
 checked error types, and in both situations it ended up being unworkable
 and discarded by both communities.

There's a huge difference between adding errors formally as part
of the type system and checking them as part of the runtime.

The latter is indeed unworkable because you end up with a proliferation
of method signatures that cannot work together. The former is
more like a domain-specific form of Eiffel's postconditions.

To put it another way, we don't try to encode the fact that math.Sqrt
returns the square root of a number in its type signature. But that
fact is definitely part of the contract of the function, and we write
tests for it.

Errors are worth treating specially here because they're
they pass up through multiple layers, so it's very easy to break abstraction
boundaries by relying on specific error types. I believe it's very important
to *think* about the possible errors that can be returned from a given
function, and not just throw up our hands and say you guys 5 layers down,
why don't you just communicate *arbitrary stuff* to the guy 3 layers above.

That already happens, and it has resulted in real bugs.

The errgo stuff is trying to be a way of communicating that thinking
in code and it defaults to a mode that closes off those arbitrary communication
channels by default, reducing the overall complexity of the system.

I am by no means saying that the errgo interface is perfect, or even
great - the API design feels cluttered and unnecessarily complex
even though the code is quite simple. But I stand by that aspect of the design.


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-29 Thread roger peppe
On 28 May 2014 19:40, Nate Finch wrote:
 I think the main problem with errgo as it exists, is that it is very awkward
 to allow error type information to pass through:

  return errgo.Mask(err, errgo.Any)

 This line is very misleading.  It's saying - mask the error type, except
 wait, actually don't mask the type.  It's never a good idea to use a
 function to do the opposite of what it's name says it does.

That's partly why I originally called the function Wrap, but was
persuaded to change it to Mask by popular request.
And, I've said this before and I'm sure I'll say it again - it's
actually very rare to need to return *any* error type information
to pass through. When I changed all of juju to work this way,
there were about 5 occurrences out of hundreds, and all were
for good and understandable reasons.

 Instead, it would be much better to have a method like this:


 (with a better name, obviously, but that's not the point)

We could just call it Wrap.

 For the record, I still find the API of errgo to be baffling without a long
 ramp up period. Having both an underlying error and a cause is hard to wrap
 my head around.  I finally managed to load it all up out of long term
 storage, so I get it again... but it's not a terribly easy package to
 understand, in my opinion.

I think this is a valid criticism. I agree that having two entirely
orthogonal errors is awkward (and Tim's struggles with producing
an intuitive error message demonstrate that).

I have been toying with the idea of always maintaining a single
error stack, but noting the cause by keeping track of its depth in the

So to change the cause, you push an error on the stack that has
a cause-depth of zero. If you don't need to change the cause,
you push an error that has a cause-depth of one more than the
cause-depth of the current top-of-stack.

To extract or check the cause, you traverse cause-depth
levels down the stack and return the error found there.
(To make this more efficient, you could store
the cause at each level)

That means that the cause can be annotated by simply emphasising
(with an asterisk or whatever) the error in the stack that's the current

The API could remain largely the same, with the exception that
WithCausef would go. We'd probably unexport the Underlying_ and
Cause_ fields from the Err struct type too.

I think I quite like this idea - what do you think?

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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-29 Thread Jeroen Vermeulen

On 2014-05-29 09:50, roger peppe wrote:

On 29 May 2014 04:03, Tim Penhey wrote:

Errors are worth treating specially here because they're
they pass up through multiple layers, so it's very easy to break abstraction
boundaries by relying on specific error types. I believe it's very important
to *think* about the possible errors that can be returned from a given
function, and not just throw up our hands and say you guys 5 layers down,
why don't you just communicate *arbitrary stuff* to the guy 3 layers above.

It may help to consider this as two problems.

One: caller needs to know about a specific failure — e.g. because it's a 
failure to the callee but not to the caller.  Definitely part of the 
contract.  You either:

(a) define a super-specific error (exception class, error code, etc.), or

(b) document that standard error X means failure Y in this case, and the 
caller picks up the error as close as possible to its origin.

With these errors you have to make sure that the information isn't 
diluted as it propagates, but usually you don't have to take it too far 
up the call chain.

Two: a caller can deal better with some errors, given more detailed 
information.  You can help by attaching more information to the error 
(tags, taxonomy, properties) but only on a best-effort basis.  You 
accept that you don't know exactly which errors can come out of the code 
further down.

For example, if you're writing code which speaks to another program over 
the network, you may want to know: is this connection still usable?  Do 
I know what happened to the operation I requested?  Were we able to 
connect in the first place?  Am I doing something that shouldn't ever 
work, such as mis-spell a command?

With these errors you act on the best information you have, but you can 
always just fail.


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-29 Thread Nate Finch
What Roger is talking about, is when an error is implementation-specific
and may change if the implementation changes.

For example, if you have a black box service that saves data, it might
write to the network or it might write to a filesystem, but where it saves
is an implementation detail.  Let's say in the current implementation,
Save() returns a FileNotFoundError if you haven't called Initialize()
first, then people may write code that handles a FileNotFoundError by
calling Initialize() now if you change the implementation to write to
the network, so now if they haven't called Initialize(), you return a
NetworkNotFoundError in the same situation their code will break.   If
you had instead written your own error, or just masked the type of the
error to something generic, then they wouldn't have been able to write
their code that makes bad assumptions.

Note that this is the most simple case of the problem.  In reality, it can
be that some sub-sub-sub package was returning that specific error, and
your code had no idea, it just passed it on up unchanged.  This is where it
gets insidious, because *your* code didn't change.  Some dependency of a
dependency changed that you might not even realize you were calling.  And
now people using your code are broken.  If you masked all returned errors
except the ones you explicitly wanted to return, then this couldn't happen.

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Jeroen Vermeulen wrote:

 On 2014-05-29 09:50, roger peppe wrote:

 On 29 May 2014 04:03, Tim Penhey wrote:

  Errors are worth treating specially here because they're
 they pass up through multiple layers, so it's very easy to break
 boundaries by relying on specific error types. I believe it's very
 to *think* about the possible errors that can be returned from a given
 function, and not just throw up our hands and say you guys 5 layers down,
 why don't you just communicate *arbitrary stuff* to the guy 3 layers

 It may help to consider this as two problems.

 One: caller needs to know about a specific failure — e.g. because it's a
 failure to the callee but not to the caller.  Definitely part of the
 contract.  You either:

 (a) define a super-specific error (exception class, error code, etc.), or

 (b) document that standard error X means failure Y in this case, and the
 caller picks up the error as close as possible to its origin.

 With these errors you have to make sure that the information isn't diluted
 as it propagates, but usually you don't have to take it too far up the call

 Two: a caller can deal better with some errors, given more detailed
 information.  You can help by attaching more information to the error
 (tags, taxonomy, properties) but only on a best-effort basis.  You accept
 that you don't know exactly which errors can come out of the code further

 For example, if you're writing code which speaks to another program over
 the network, you may want to know: is this connection still usable?  Do I
 know what happened to the operation I requested?  Were we able to connect
 in the first place?  Am I doing something that shouldn't ever work, such as
 mis-spell a command?

 With these errors you act on the best information you have, but you can
 always just fail.


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-29 Thread Nate Finch
Note that this kind of error masking doesn't need to be done in the same
package as the base error package.  I made a little standalone package that does it, we could do
something similar if we wanted to keep the error package simpler (which is
always a good thing).

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Nate Finch

 What Roger is talking about, is when an error is implementation-specific
 and may change if the implementation changes.

 For example, if you have a black box service that saves data, it might
 write to the network or it might write to a filesystem, but where it saves
 is an implementation detail.  Let's say in the current implementation,
 Save() returns a FileNotFoundError if you haven't called Initialize()
 first, then people may write code that handles a FileNotFoundError by
 calling Initialize() now if you change the implementation to write to
 the network, so now if they haven't called Initialize(), you return a
 NetworkNotFoundError in the same situation their code will break.   If
 you had instead written your own error, or just masked the type of the
 error to something generic, then they wouldn't have been able to write
 their code that makes bad assumptions.

 Note that this is the most simple case of the problem.  In reality, it can
 be that some sub-sub-sub package was returning that specific error, and
 your code had no idea, it just passed it on up unchanged.  This is where it
 gets insidious, because *your* code didn't change.  Some dependency of a
 dependency changed that you might not even realize you were calling.  And
 now people using your code are broken.  If you masked all returned errors
 except the ones you explicitly wanted to return, then this couldn't happen.

 On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Jeroen Vermeulen wrote:

 On 2014-05-29 09:50, roger peppe wrote:

 On 29 May 2014 04:03, Tim Penhey wrote:

  Errors are worth treating specially here because they're
 they pass up through multiple layers, so it's very easy to break
 boundaries by relying on specific error types. I believe it's very
 to *think* about the possible errors that can be returned from a given
 function, and not just throw up our hands and say you guys 5 layers
 why don't you just communicate *arbitrary stuff* to the guy 3 layers

 It may help to consider this as two problems.

 One: caller needs to know about a specific failure — e.g. because it's a
 failure to the callee but not to the caller.  Definitely part of the
 contract.  You either:

 (a) define a super-specific error (exception class, error code, etc.), or

 (b) document that standard error X means failure Y in this case, and the
 caller picks up the error as close as possible to its origin.

 With these errors you have to make sure that the information isn't
 diluted as it propagates, but usually you don't have to take it too far up
 the call chain.

 Two: a caller can deal better with some errors, given more detailed
 information.  You can help by attaching more information to the error
 (tags, taxonomy, properties) but only on a best-effort basis.  You accept
 that you don't know exactly which errors can come out of the code further

 For example, if you're writing code which speaks to another program over
 the network, you may want to know: is this connection still usable?  Do I
 know what happened to the operation I requested?  Were we able to connect
 in the first place?  Am I doing something that shouldn't ever work, such as
 mis-spell a command?

 With these errors you act on the best information you have, but you can
 always just fail.


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-29 Thread William Reade
Masking is often necessary, and information hiding is valuable, and
depending on spooky action at a distance is generally foolish. But the
granularity with which we want to track the propagation of a given error is
*much* finer than the granularity of judicious information hiding: the
error is likely to pass through a lot more stack frames than it is package
boundaries, and the former transitions are the ones we need to track to
properly diagnose errors [0], while the latter are the ones we need to mask
to properly maintain global sanity [1].

To mask by default, at every annotation point, leads quickly to code whose
action is characterised by bizarre and mystifying errors [2]. To *fail* to
mask at sensible boundaries also leads to bugs, and we've seen one or two
of those as well; the trouble is that masking is *always easy*, while pure
annotation is (relatively) hard. To use a library that makes a point of
keeping preservation comparatively verbose and complex is to fundamentally
misunderstand the problem.


[0] it's not a perfect one-to-one match, but it's a reasonable heuristic.

[1] it's not a perfect one-to-one match, but it's a reasonable heuristic.

[2] this because developers are forced to choose between obscuring their
logic with verbose workarounds for the masking... or to just avoid
annotation entirely, and hence come to habitually avoid masking even when
it's necessary. My lived experience indicates that they will overwhelmingly
choose the latter, and that the consequences are unpretty.

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Nate Finch

 What Roger is talking about, is when an error is implementation-specific
 and may change if the implementation changes.

 For example, if you have a black box service that saves data, it might
 write to the network or it might write to a filesystem, but where it saves
 is an implementation detail.  Let's say in the current implementation,
 Save() returns a FileNotFoundError if you haven't called Initialize()
 first, then people may write code that handles a FileNotFoundError by
 calling Initialize() now if you change the implementation to write to
 the network, so now if they haven't called Initialize(), you return a
 NetworkNotFoundError in the same situation their code will break.   If
 you had instead written your own error, or just masked the type of the
 error to something generic, then they wouldn't have been able to write
 their code that makes bad assumptions.

 Note that this is the most simple case of the problem.  In reality, it can
 be that some sub-sub-sub package was returning that specific error, and
 your code had no idea, it just passed it on up unchanged.  This is where it
 gets insidious, because *your* code didn't change.  Some dependency of a
 dependency changed that you might not even realize you were calling.  And
 now people using your code are broken.  If you masked all returned errors
 except the ones you explicitly wanted to return, then this couldn't happen.

 On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Jeroen Vermeulen wrote:

 On 2014-05-29 09:50, roger peppe wrote:

 On 29 May 2014 04:03, Tim Penhey wrote:

  Errors are worth treating specially here because they're
 they pass up through multiple layers, so it's very easy to break
 boundaries by relying on specific error types. I believe it's very
 to *think* about the possible errors that can be returned from a given
 function, and not just throw up our hands and say you guys 5 layers
 why don't you just communicate *arbitrary stuff* to the guy 3 layers

 It may help to consider this as two problems.

 One: caller needs to know about a specific failure — e.g. because it's a
 failure to the callee but not to the caller.  Definitely part of the
 contract.  You either:

 (a) define a super-specific error (exception class, error code, etc.), or

 (b) document that standard error X means failure Y in this case, and the
 caller picks up the error as close as possible to its origin.

 With these errors you have to make sure that the information isn't
 diluted as it propagates, but usually you don't have to take it too far up
 the call chain.

 Two: a caller can deal better with some errors, given more detailed
 information.  You can help by attaching more information to the error
 (tags, taxonomy, properties) but only on a best-effort basis.  You accept
 that you don't know exactly which errors can come out of the code further

 For example, if you're writing code which speaks to another program over
 the network, you may want to know: is this connection still usable?  Do I
 know what happened to the operation I requested?  Were we able to connect
 in the first place?  Am I doing something that shouldn't ever work, such as
 mis-spell a command?

 With these errors you act on the best information you have, but you can
 always just fail.

Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-28 Thread roger peppe
On 28 May 2014 00:46, William Reade wrote:

 We have had many long discussions, and you have provided much valuable
 input: in particular, explaining to us that we were completely off-base re:
 the attempts to use a slice vs a linked list in the error stacks. And we did
 indeed agree to use errgo (as the only proposed implementation that Did It
 Right in that regard). And you said you'd integrate it, and we agreed an
 approach that I could live with, despite my misgivings re the interface and
 the default behaviour; but, for a variety of perfectly good and excusable
 reasons, this has still not happened after many months.

 However, the conditions under which I agreed to use errgo were rather more
 stringent than I feel you have represented. In particular, you did not
 convince me that discard-by-default is a sane approach; you agreed to
 preserve error types by default, in the hope of empirically convincing me
 that, as the codebase evolved, we would end up annotating overwhelmingly at
 boundaries where discarding made sense.

The approach that I was to take was to preserve error types *explicitly*
by default. i.e. each call to Mask would be:

return errgo.Mask(err, errgo.Any)

That means that we would not affect existing code semantics, reducing
the risk of breaking things,

For *new* code, I (still) think that it's best to try to explicitly mention the
errors that are expected to pass through, and mask out the others.
If you're writing new code, you *should* know what kinds of errors
that code is contracted to return (obviously there are cases where
that's bound not to be the case, such as when you're writing code
that explicitly wraps another arbitrary function)

 You observe that this approach fits
 well with current practice, and that's fine, but it fails to take into
 account the fact that our error handling is currently *really bad*.

To attempt to be more precise here, I'd say that our error *handling*
is good - we diagnose errors and act on them as we need to.

Our error *generation* is indeed bad though - our error messages are
uninformative and the errors don't record their return path.

 And this is, IMNSHO, *because* our original annotation practices discard
 types (unless you write tedious verbose site-specific custom code); and so
 we inevitably annotate only where we *have* to, lest we throw away useful
 information; and so it's really hard to actually figure out what really
 happened in a given error situation -- we end up having to grep the source,
 and even when that works unambiguously it still *sucks*. Observing that
 errgo is a flawless drop-in replacement for our historical practices is a
 point *against* its adoption, not *for* it.

I would say that our historical practices are not universally bad.
In the places that we *do* currently annotate, we have a nice guarantee - no
caller can be acting on the basis of the underlying error. That
information is hidden, and as I hope we all agree, decent information hiding
is the basis of well-modularised systems. [1]

I still hope we can end up with the best of both worlds here - a situation where
we can annotate freely *and* hide unnecessary information,
increasing modularity and reducing action at a distance.

 Still: we *are* leveraging errgo, because it does a lot of things right. As
 Tim said, the fact that we can implement what we want in errgo is a strong
 endorsement of its quality and flexibility. But the philosophy underlying
 errgo's interface does not play nicely with the direction I want to take the
 project [0], while the arrar-style interface does, and so we wrap errgo such
 that it fits our needs (which Tim has already clearly described).

 I don't want to appear to annex ownership of errgo; it's your package, and
 it has a cool name, and I wish it popularity and widespread adoption. If you
 feel that juju/errgo makes for a counterproductive canonical location, we
 can happily thirdparty it in its current state; and you can write your own
 error handling code outside juju, using an errgo outside juju, as you wish.
 We could even rename our version if you want [1]. But I will not stand for
 further delay and confusion and the associated fossilization of poor
 practices in the codebase for which I bear responsibility.

 Re unsafe: where we can't check equality, we fall back on identity. We know
 it's a hack; and if it's fundamentally broken, we'd like to know why, so we
 can fix it. Please clarify your objections.

Comparing the internal interface structs compares neither equality nor

A slightly better approach would be something like this, but it's
possible that it might not play well with gccgo:

Fundamentally though, I not sure that cutting off half the error message because
the cause has changed is a great approach.


 [0] ...which I am not interested in rehashing. My considered opinion 

Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-28 Thread roger peppe
I just saw this thread after replying to the other one.
Fundamentally, I think comparing errors for equality
is misguided. That said, a simple approach that
doesn't use DeepEquals is possible:

func sameError(e1, e2 error) bool {
defer func() { recover() }()
return e1 == e2

On 28 May 2014 05:16, Tim Penhey wrote:
 On 28/05/14 15:48, John Meinel wrote:
 I think we need concrete examples which Tim should have in the test suite.


 On May 28, 2014 6:50 AM, Andrew Wilkins wrote:

 On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:39 AM, John Meinel wrote:

 The address of the real value is the same.

 Are you referring to the backing array? That is not what is being
 compared, so that's not a useful property.

 FWIW, replacing the icky unsafe bits with reflect.DeepEqual does work
 but it just leaves me with an icky taste in my mouth.

 Admittedly less icky than the unsafe work.


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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-28 Thread Nate Finch
I haven't seen any code or a description of what you're doing, so it's
really hard for me to help.

Broadly, what are you trying to accomplish?  Maybe we can help avoid the
need to do something that Go doesn't support well.

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 9:43 PM, Tim Penhey tim.pen...@canonical.comwrote:

 On 28/05/14 13:31, Nate Finch wrote:
  If you're talking about errgo, if all we care about is transition, but
  not what the actual types are, we could just record in the list when we
  mask the type.

 We could, but that would mean walking the list every time you want to
 check the cause.  It would also change the meaning of cause, so a nil
 cause means get the cause from the previous (underlying) error.

 Do you not agree with me though that in the general Go language there
 should be a way to check identity? Or do you not agree?


  On May 27, 2014 8:48 PM, Tim Penhey wrote:
  On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
   This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question,
   doing something wrong.
   Can you give an example of where we need this?
  Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
  argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.
   stack []error
   * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one
   * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
   * we now have the same error twice
   * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
 [err1, err1, err2] right?
  Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error
  There seems to be no clean way to do this.

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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-28 Thread Nate Finch
I propose we change the name of the package to something other than errgo,
so that Roger can keep his name, and we can make the behavior whatever fits
best for Juju.  Yes, we should make it a general-use package, but it should
be designed for Juju, meeting our needs.  Roger can post errgo wherever he
wants and make it work exactly the way he wants it to work.

I think that it's neither useful nor a good idea to write *and maintain* a
package under the flag of Juju that we don't like the behavior of.

I think the main problem with errgo as it exists, is that it is very
awkward to allow error type information to pass through:

 return errgo.Mask(err, errgo.Any)

This line is very misleading.  It's saying - mask the error type, except
wait, actually don't mask the type.  It's never a good idea to use a
function to do the opposite of what it's name says it does.

Instead, it would be much better to have a method like this:


(with a better name, obviously, but that's not the point)

For the record, I still find the API of errgo to be baffling without a long
ramp up period. Having both an underlying error and a cause is hard to wrap
my head around.  I finally managed to load it all up out of long term
storage, so I get it again... but it's not a terribly easy package to
understand, in my opinion.

I don't think there's any need to debate passing type information through
or not... that's something we can do with any package we're considering.  I
think we're agreed that we should maintain the current behavior with the
new package just adding tracebacks, and then we can slowly introduce
behavior changes as we decide we need them.

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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread roger peppe
On 27 May 2014 04:02, Tim Penhey wrote:
 On 23/05/14 02:47, roger peppe wrote:
 Any particular reason to wrap the errgo functions rather than using errgo
 directly? Personally, I see the role of the errors package to be about
 specific error classifications (something that errgo tries hard to be 
 agnostic about), but errgo could, and I believe should, be used directly for 
 the more general calls.

 Sure.  There were several reasons that kept me away from using errgo
 directly or modifying errgo.

 1) Probably the most important, I don't feel that errgo is a 'juju'
 library but very much a personal library of yours, one that you have
 very strong feelings about, and I feel that proposing changes that
 fundamentally change how it behaves will get bogged down in
 bike-shedding and disagreement.  I was wanting to get the behaviour that
 we wanted, and I found a way to get that behaviour without touching
 errgo, so I went that way.

errgo is now under precisely because I wanted to bring it into
the juju fold - it's there *for* juju and it should do what juju needs.

It's true that I have definite preferences for how some of the behaviour
works, because I have thought a lot about the emergent effects of
the way we handle and generate errors in juju, and I believe that
a using errgo's approach consistently will lead to code that
is easier to maintain and understand. See
for some background on that.

I understand that you don't agree entirely with the approach,
but there *was* a long discussion in which several of us ended up agreeing
a) to use errgo
b) on the naming scheme that it currently uses.

Rather than unilaterally deciding to do things differently because
you don't agree with those decisions, wouldn't it be better
to seek some agreement first, as I did?

 2) The default behaviour of errgo to mask the underlying cause was not
 the behaviour that juju wants.  For example the Notef function returns
 an error where the Cause of that error is different to the Cause of the
 error that is being annotated.  I know that there is NoteMask, but that
 isn't what I think of when all I want to do is add a note.

When you're writing the code, you know what kinds of
errors you want to pass back (we just want to annotate, and leave the
NotFound error as is), but when reading the code later, that
is obscure. I still believe that it's better to *explicitly* annotate the
code with that knowledge at each level.

In the vast majority of cases (I know this empirically) we do *not*
want or need to pass back the error cause. Look at all the current
uses of fmt.Errorf(, err) - none of them passes back the error cause,
and that's a Good Thing. We have had subtle bugs because
error causes for two very different things were conflated.

I think it's a reasonable principle that the behaviour we want most often should
be the default.

 3) I found the functions in errgo to be confusing when what I wanted was
 three simple things: add stack information, annotate the error (and add
 stack info), or change the cause (and add stack info).  There is no way
 to just change the cause with errgo without providing some annotation,
 and I think that if you are a user of the library and wanting to provide
 a more detailed error to describe the problem, then that error is likely
 to contain all the information that you want to see, and as such,
 forcing them to also add a message is not needed.

You don't *need* to add a message - just pass the empty string
to WithCausef and no message will be added. It should
probably be documented that it's OK to do that - or if this
functionality is used a lot, a WithCause function would work
just fine. FWIW, when I converted the whole of juju to use
errgo, I didn't use that function once. If you're changing the
cause, you probably want some annotation to reflect that
though (but see below).

 4) The string representation of the error was not what we wanted with
 juju.  The errgo implementation walks up the entire error stack
 outputting annotations up to the top, and then the underlying error.
 The behaviour we wanted was to walk up the annotations and stop when the
 cause of the error changes and write out the cause.  That way actually
 changing the cause of the error as it is passed down but keeping the
 entire call stack gives a string representation of the actual (most
 recent) cause of the error, not the original, and yet the entire call
 stack could be output.

I have definitely struggled to find a good behaviour here for errgo.
The problem is that Cause is orthogonal to Underlying, and
you really want to be able to see *both* in the error string output,
because both are important.

The reason I chose the solution that I did was that the underlying error
is really the thing that is designed for the user to see, so we show that
to the user and we can 

Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread William Reade

We have had many long discussions, and you have provided much valuable
input: in particular, explaining to us that we were completely off-base re:
the attempts to use a slice vs a linked list in the error stacks. And we
did indeed agree to use errgo (as the only proposed implementation that Did
It Right in that regard). And you said you'd integrate it, and we agreed an
approach that I could live with, despite my misgivings re the interface and
the default behaviour; but, for a variety of perfectly good and excusable
reasons, this has still not happened after many months.

However, the conditions under which I agreed to use errgo were rather more
stringent than I feel you have represented. In particular, you did not
convince me that discard-by-default is a sane approach; you agreed to
preserve error types by default, in the hope of empirically convincing me
that, as the codebase evolved, we would end up annotating overwhelmingly at
boundaries where discarding made sense. You observe that this approach fits
well with current practice, and that's fine, but it fails to take into
account the fact that our error handling is currently *really bad*.

And this is, IMNSHO, *because* our original annotation practices discard
types (unless you write tedious verbose site-specific custom code); and so
we inevitably annotate only where we *have* to, lest we throw away useful
information; and so it's really hard to actually figure out what really
happened in a given error situation -- we end up having to grep the source,
and even when that works unambiguously it still *sucks*. Observing that
errgo is a flawless drop-in replacement for our historical practices is a
point *against* its adoption, not *for* it.

Still: we *are* leveraging errgo, because it does a lot of things right. As
Tim said, the fact that we can implement what we want in errgo is a strong
endorsement of its quality and flexibility. But the philosophy underlying
errgo's interface does not play nicely with the direction I want to take
the project [0], while the arrar-style interface does, and so we wrap errgo
such that it fits our needs (which Tim has already clearly described).

I don't want to appear to annex ownership of errgo; it's your package, and
it has a cool name, and I wish it popularity and widespread adoption. If
you feel that juju/errgo makes for a counterproductive canonical location,
we can happily thirdparty it in its current state; and you can write your
own error handling code outside juju, using an errgo outside juju, as you
wish. We could even rename our version if you want [1]. But I will not
stand for further delay and confusion and the associated fossilization of
poor practices in the codebase for which I bear responsibility.

Re unsafe: where we can't check equality, we fall back on identity. We know
it's a hack; and if it's fundamentally broken, we'd like to know why, so we
can fix it. Please clarify your objections.


[0] ...which I am not interested in rehashing. My considered opinion is
that, while both approaches have potential pathological failure situations,
my experience across projects indicates that the ones that come up in
practice overwhelmingly favour discarding error types only when we're sure
it's a good idea to do so; writing code to explicitly preserve specific
errors at specific times will be a perpetual drag on clean refactoring, and
will rapidly lead to an accumulation of meaningless cruft that nobody has
the courage to remove just in case some distant module still depends upon

[1] Maybe we could call it arrar...

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 12:04 PM, roger peppe

 On 27 May 2014 04:02, Tim Penhey wrote:
  On 23/05/14 02:47, roger peppe wrote:
  Any particular reason to wrap the errgo functions rather than using
  directly? Personally, I see the role of the errors package to be about
  specific error classifications (something that errgo tries hard to be
  agnostic about), but errgo could, and I believe should, be used
 directly for all
  the more general calls.
  Sure.  There were several reasons that kept me away from using errgo
  directly or modifying errgo.
  1) Probably the most important, I don't feel that errgo is a 'juju'
  library but very much a personal library of yours, one that you have
  very strong feelings about, and I feel that proposing changes that
  fundamentally change how it behaves will get bogged down in
  bike-shedding and disagreement.  I was wanting to get the behaviour that
  we wanted, and I found a way to get that behaviour without touching
  errgo, so I went that way.

 errgo is now under precisely because I wanted to bring it
 the juju fold - it's there *for* juju and it should do what juju needs.

 It's true that I have definite preferences for how some of the behaviour
 works, because I have thought a lot about the emergent effects of
 the way we handle 

Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread Tim Penhey
On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
 This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question, you're
 doing something wrong.
 Can you give an example of where we need this?

Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.

 stack []error

 * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one error
 * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
 * we now have the same error twice
 * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
   [err1, err1, err2] right?

Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error changes.

There seems to be no clean way to do this.


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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread Tim Penhey
On 28/05/14 13:31, Nate Finch wrote:
 If you're talking about errgo, if all we care about is transition, but
 not what the actual types are, we could just record in the list when we
 mask the type.

We could, but that would mean walking the list every time you want to
check the cause.  It would also change the meaning of cause, so a nil
cause means get the cause from the previous (underlying) error.

Do you not agree with me though that in the general Go language there
should be a way to check identity? Or do you not agree?


 On May 27, 2014 8:48 PM, Tim Penhey wrote:
 On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
  This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question,
  doing something wrong.
  Can you give an example of where we need this?
 Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
 argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.
  stack []error
  * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one error
  * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
  * we now have the same error twice
  * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
[err1, err1, err2] right?
 Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error changes.
 There seems to be no clean way to do this.

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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread Andrew Wilkins
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Tim Penhey tim.pen...@canonical.comwrote:

 On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
  This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question, you're
  doing something wrong.
  Can you give an example of where we need this?

 Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
 argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.

  stack []error

  * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one error
  * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
  * we now have the same error twice
  * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
[err1, err1, err2] right?

 Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error changes.

Can you explain where equality fails?

I guess you're thinking you'd like to do something like x is y in Python.
There's no such thing as objects in Go, so no universal definition of
identity either.

There seems to be no clean way to do this.


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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread Tim Penhey
On 28/05/14 13:48, Andrew Wilkins wrote:
 On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Tim Penhey wrote:
 On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
  This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question,
  doing something wrong.
  Can you give an example of where we need this?
 Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
 argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.
  stack []error
  * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one error
  * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
  * we now have the same error twice
  * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
[err1, err1, err2] right?
 Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error changes.
 Can you explain where equality fails?

Equality fails when the interface is satisfied by a non-comparable value
type, like a struct with a slice in it.

 I guess you're thinking you'd like to do something like x is y in
 Python. There's no such thing as objects in Go, so no universal
 definition of identity either.

But an interface is effectively two pointers, one to the type and one to
the thing that satisfies the interface.  Identity in that case is pretty


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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread Andrew Wilkins
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Tim Penhey tim.pen...@canonical.comwrote:

 On 28/05/14 13:48, Andrew Wilkins wrote:
  On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Tim Penhey wrote:
  On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
   This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question,
   doing something wrong.
   Can you give an example of where we need this?
  Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
  argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.
   stack []error
   * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one
   * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
   * we now have the same error twice
   * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
 [err1, err1, err2] right?
  Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error
  Can you explain where equality fails?

 Equality fails when the interface is satisfied by a non-comparable value
 type, like a struct with a slice in it.

I see. In that case, I guess you'd have to use reflect.DeepEquals to
collapse arbitrary errors.

 I guess you're thinking you'd like to do something like x is y in
  Python. There's no such thing as objects in Go, so no universal
  definition of identity either.

 But an interface is effectively two pointers, one to the type and one to
 the thing that satisfies the interface.  Identity in that case is pretty

If the pointer is the same, which it won't be if you're storing a slice in
an interface; slices are wider than pointers.
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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread Andrew Wilkins
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:39 AM, John Meinel j...@arbash-meinel.comwrote:

 The address of the real value is the same.

Are you referring to the backing array? That is not what is being compared,
so that's not a useful property.

 On May 28, 2014 6:04 AM, Andrew Wilkins

 On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Tim Penhey tim.pen...@canonical.comwrote:

 On 28/05/14 13:48, Andrew Wilkins wrote:
  On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Tim Penhey wrote:
  On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
   This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question,
   doing something wrong.
   Can you give an example of where we need this?
  Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
  argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.
   stack []error
   * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one
   * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
   * we now have the same error twice
   * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
 [err1, err1, err2] right?
  Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error
  Can you explain where equality fails?

 Equality fails when the interface is satisfied by a non-comparable value
 type, like a struct with a slice in it.

 I see. In that case, I guess you'd have to use reflect.DeepEquals to
 collapse arbitrary errors.

   I guess you're thinking you'd like to do something like x is y in
  Python. There's no such thing as objects in Go, so no universal
  definition of identity either.

 But an interface is effectively two pointers, one to the type and one to
 the thing that satisfies the interface.  Identity in that case is pretty

 If the pointer is the same, which it won't be if you're storing a slice
 in an interface; slices are wider than pointers.

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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread John Meinel
I think we need concrete examples which Tim should have in the test suite.

On May 28, 2014 6:50 AM, Andrew Wilkins

 On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:39 AM, John Meinel j...@arbash-meinel.comwrote:

 The address of the real value is the same.

 Are you referring to the backing array? That is not what is being
 compared, so that's not a useful property.

 On May 28, 2014 6:04 AM, Andrew Wilkins

 On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Tim Penhey tim.pen...@canonical.comwrote:

 On 28/05/14 13:48, Andrew Wilkins wrote:
  On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Tim Penhey wrote:
  On 28/05/14 12:43, Nate Finch wrote:
   This sounds like one of those if you have to ask this question,
   doing something wrong.
   Can you give an example of where we need this?
  Sure... let's say we have a stack of errors, for simplicity of the
  argument lets say it is a slice of error interface values.
   stack []error
   * an error is pushed on to the stack initially, we now have one
   * the same error is pushed (or appended - I don't care)
   * we now have the same error twice
   * I push a new error on the stack, so it looks a little like this
 [err1, err1, err2] right?
  Now iterating through this slice I want to know when the error
  Can you explain where equality fails?

 Equality fails when the interface is satisfied by a non-comparable value
 type, like a struct with a slice in it.

 I see. In that case, I guess you'd have to use reflect.DeepEquals to
 collapse arbitrary errors.

   I guess you're thinking you'd like to do something like x is y in
  Python. There's no such thing as objects in Go, so no universal
  definition of identity either.

 But an interface is effectively two pointers, one to the type and one to
 the thing that satisfies the interface.  Identity in that case is pretty

 If the pointer is the same, which it won't be if you're storing a slice
 in an interface; slices are wider than pointers.

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Re: interface identity (was Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-27 Thread Tim Penhey
On 28/05/14 15:48, John Meinel wrote:
 I think we need concrete examples which Tim should have in the test suite.
 On May 28, 2014 6:50 AM, Andrew Wilkins wrote:
 On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:39 AM, John Meinel wrote:
 The address of the real value is the same.
 Are you referring to the backing array? That is not what is being
 compared, so that's not a useful property.

FWIW, replacing the icky unsafe bits with reflect.DeepEqual does work
but it just leaves me with an icky taste in my mouth.

Admittedly less icky than the unsafe work.


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-22 Thread roger peppe
On 14 May 2014 10:24, Tim Penhey wrote:
 Hi all,

 I took it upon myself to get Rog's errgo library used inside juju-core.

Thanks for doing this.

 Dimiter recently did a hunk of work in the juju-core/errors package to
 have functions to add context to some core error types while keeping
 their type.

 What I did was to move this errors package out of juju-core and into its
 own package, and update it to use the errgo as a base.  For those that
 are interested the diff for the errors_test (to show that everything
 works as before) is as shown at the bottom of this email.

 I also added in simple methods based on my earlier error handling
 package, but changed them to be based on errgo.  This adds in the
 functions: New, Errorf, Check, Trace, Annotate, Annotatef, Wrap, ErrorStack.

Any particular reason to wrap the errgo functions rather than using errgo
directly? Personally, I see the role of the errors package to be about
specific error classifications (something that errgo tries hard to be entirely
agnostic about), but errgo could, and I believe should, be used directly for all
the more general calls.

Since it's likely that other packages will start to use errgo, and they don't
necessarily want to be importing juju/errors, there are advantages
to using the same error generation and classification style that any
other errgo-using package would use - in particular, it makes the code easier
to manipulate programmatically.

There are also advantages in not having two subtly different APIs
around, even if one is implemented in terms of the other. I believe
we should pick one set of calls and use them consistently throughout
the code base.

BTW, I have a gofix clone which automates 95+% of the changes
to use errgo - it's at
It splits the changes into several modules so that the
changes can be made in more-easily verifiable steps.

 I have tested juju/errors with both gc and gccgo and the tests pass with
 both.  Interestingly juju/errgo has a few test failures with gccgo, but
 Dave is looking at them and assures me they are simple fixes.
 As an aside, I do think that any new dependencies we add should pass all
 tests with both gc and gccgo.

Thanks a lot for doing this. I really should install and try gccgo!


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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-22 Thread Nate Finch
I agree with Roger, I don't think a wrapper around Errgo is the right way
to go. If we don't like the way errgo behaves, we should change it.  It's
our package, let's have it work the way we want it to work.

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 10:47 AM, roger peppe wrote:

 On 14 May 2014 10:24, Tim Penhey wrote:
  Hi all,
  I took it upon myself to get Rog's errgo library used inside juju-core.

 Thanks for doing this.

  Dimiter recently did a hunk of work in the juju-core/errors package to
  have functions to add context to some core error types while keeping
  their type.
  What I did was to move this errors package out of juju-core and into its
  own package, and update it to use the errgo as a base.  For those that
  are interested the diff for the errors_test (to show that everything
  works as before) is as shown at the bottom of this email.
  I also added in simple methods based on my earlier error handling
  package, but changed them to be based on errgo.  This adds in the
  functions: New, Errorf, Check, Trace, Annotate, Annotatef, Wrap,

 Any particular reason to wrap the errgo functions rather than using errgo
 directly? Personally, I see the role of the errors package to be about
 specific error classifications (something that errgo tries hard to be
 agnostic about), but errgo could, and I believe should, be used directly
 for all
 the more general calls.

 Since it's likely that other packages will start to use errgo, and they
 necessarily want to be importing juju/errors, there are advantages
 to using the same error generation and classification style that any
 other errgo-using package would use - in particular, it makes the code
 to manipulate programmatically.

 There are also advantages in not having two subtly different APIs
 around, even if one is implemented in terms of the other. I believe
 we should pick one set of calls and use them consistently throughout
 the code base.

 BTW, I have a gofix clone which automates 95+% of the changes
 to use errgo - it's at
 It splits the changes into several modules so that the
 changes can be made in more-easily verifiable steps.

  I have tested juju/errors with both gc and gccgo and the tests pass with
  both.  Interestingly juju/errgo has a few test failures with gccgo, but
  Dave is looking at them and assures me they are simple fixes.
  As an aside, I do think that any new dependencies we add should pass all
  tests with both gc and gccgo.

 Thanks a lot for doing this. I really should install and try gccgo!


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Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-14 Thread Tim Penhey
Hi all,

I took it upon myself to get Rog's errgo library used inside juju-core.

Dimiter recently did a hunk of work in the juju-core/errors package to
have functions to add context to some core error types while keeping
their type.

What I did was to move this errors package out of juju-core and into its
own package, and update it to use the errgo as a base.  For those that
are interested the diff for the errors_test (to show that everything
works as before) is as shown at the bottom of this email.

I also added in simple methods based on my earlier error handling
package, but changed them to be based on errgo.  This adds in the
functions: New, Errorf, Check, Trace, Annotate, Annotatef, Wrap, ErrorStack.

One key difference in behaviour between these methods and the base errgo
ones is that the cause is always passed through. Unless you call Wrap,
in which case the cause changes, but that is the purpose of the call.

I have a branch of juju-core up as work in progress that does the following:
 * removes the dependency on
 * changes uses of errgo/errgo to juju/errors
 * adds both juju/errgo and juju/errors to the dependency file
 * removes the juju-core/errors package
 * changes all the juju-core/errors import statement to use (and puts the import statement in the
   right block)
3602 lines (+252/-658) 156 files modified

I have tested juju/errors with both gc and gccgo and the tests pass with
both.  Interestingly juju/errgo has a few test failures with gccgo, but
Dave is looking at them and assures me they are simple fixes.
As an aside, I do think that any new dependencies we add should pass all
tests with both gc and gccgo.



$ diff -u ~/src/juju-core/trunk/errors/errors_test.go errors_test.go
--- /home/tim/src/juju-core/trunk/errors/errors_test.go 2014-05-14
19:18:53.376121000 +1200
+++ errors_test.go  2014-05-13 17:14:50.329051637 +1200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
-// Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+// Copyright 2013, 2014 Canonical Ltd.
+// Licensed under the GPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.

 package errors_test

@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
-   testing


 // errorInfo holds information about a single error type: a satisfier
@@ -40,10 +38,6 @@

 var _ = gc.Suite(errorsSuite{})

-func Test(t *testing.T) {
-   gc.TestingT(t)
 func (t *errorInfo) satisfierName() string {
value := reflect.ValueOf(t.satisfier)
f := runtime.FuncForPC(value.Pointer())
@@ -175,6 +169,12 @@
runErrorTests(c, errorTests, true)

+func (*errorsSuite) TestContextfNotNewer(c *gc.C) {
+   err := fmt.Errorf(simple error)
+   errors.Contextf(err, annotate)
+   c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, annotate: simple error)
 func (*errorsSuite) TestAllErrors(c *gc.C) {
errorTests := []errorTest{}
for _, errInfo := range allErrors {

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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-14 Thread John Meinel
I'd like gccgo to pass reliably, but I think it falls under a CI test
rather than a pre-commit test. (Because otherwise it roughly doubles the
time it takes to know whether your patch will land.)

I don't have specific feedback on the behavior differences, but the changes
seem sane to me. An errors library is certainly something that I'd like to
see shared between code bases.


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Tim Penhey tim.pen...@canonical.comwrote:

 Hi all,

 I took it upon myself to get Rog's errgo library used inside juju-core.

 Dimiter recently did a hunk of work in the juju-core/errors package to
 have functions to add context to some core error types while keeping
 their type.

 What I did was to move this errors package out of juju-core and into its
 own package, and update it to use the errgo as a base.  For those that
 are interested the diff for the errors_test (to show that everything
 works as before) is as shown at the bottom of this email.

 I also added in simple methods based on my earlier error handling
 package, but changed them to be based on errgo.  This adds in the
 functions: New, Errorf, Check, Trace, Annotate, Annotatef, Wrap,

 One key difference in behaviour between these methods and the base errgo
 ones is that the cause is always passed through. Unless you call Wrap,
 in which case the cause changes, but that is the purpose of the call.

 I have a branch of juju-core up as work in progress that does the
  * removes the dependency on
  * changes uses of errgo/errgo to juju/errors
  * adds both juju/errgo and juju/errors to the dependency file
  * removes the juju-core/errors package
  * changes all the juju-core/errors import statement to use (and puts the import statement in the
right block)
 3602 lines (+252/-658) 156 files modified

 I have tested juju/errors with both gc and gccgo and the tests pass with
 both.  Interestingly juju/errgo has a few test failures with gccgo, but
 Dave is looking at them and assures me they are simple fixes.
 As an aside, I do think that any new dependencies we add should pass all
 tests with both gc and gccgo.



 $ diff -u ~/src/juju-core/trunk/errors/errors_test.go errors_test.go
 --- /home/tim/src/juju-core/trunk/errors/errors_test.go 2014-05-14
 19:18:53.376121000 +1200
 +++ errors_test.go  2014-05-13 17:14:50.329051637 +1200
 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 -// Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
 -// Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
 +// Copyright 2013, 2014 Canonical Ltd.
 +// Licensed under the GPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.

  package errors_test

 @@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
 -   testing


  // errorInfo holds information about a single error type: a satisfier
 @@ -40,10 +38,6 @@

  var _ = gc.Suite(errorsSuite{})

 -func Test(t *testing.T) {
 -   gc.TestingT(t)
  func (t *errorInfo) satisfierName() string {
 value := reflect.ValueOf(t.satisfier)
 f := runtime.FuncForPC(value.Pointer())
 @@ -175,6 +169,12 @@
 runErrorTests(c, errorTests, true)

 +func (*errorsSuite) TestContextfNotNewer(c *gc.C) {
 +   err := fmt.Errorf(simple error)
 +   errors.Contextf(err, annotate)
 +   c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, annotate: simple error)
  func (*errorsSuite) TestAllErrors(c *gc.C) {
 errorTests := []errorTest{}
 for _, errInfo := range allErrors {

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Re: Proposed new dependency: (and

2014-05-14 Thread Curtis Hovey-Canonical
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 8:12 AM, John Meinel wrote:
 I'd like gccgo to pass reliably, but I think it falls under a CI test rather
 than a pre-commit test. (Because otherwise it roughly doubles the time it
 takes to know whether your patch will land.)

I agree. We can setup gccgo-based test runs for libraries on amd64 and
ppc. I am not certain about priorities. Is getting juju into github
more important?

 On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Tim Penhey
 I took it upon myself to get Rog's errgo library used inside juju-core.

 I have a branch of juju-core up as work in progress that does the
  * removes the dependency on
  * changes uses of errgo/errgo to juju/errors
  * adds both juju/errgo and juju/errors to the dependency file
  * removes the juju-core/errors package
  * changes all the juju-core/errors import statement to use (and puts the import statement in the
right block)

I predict 1.18 will fail in CI. because it will still want errgo,
which go-get did will not get. Something similar happened with when
1.17.x dropped a dep that 1.16.x wanted. I will add a shim to keep
1.18 building.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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